Depression / demon Free Zone
Welcome to depression /demon free zone!
Since 2009, hundreds of people have found freedom through Blazing Holy Fire Ministry. The tools we use to set people free are
The Truth (Word of God)
The Blazing Holy Fire Power of God
We have received thousands of testimonies from people who were delivered from around the globe. Depression, fear, anxiety, witchcraft and many demonic strongholds... ALL FLEE when Blazing Holy Fire prays for you and you are willing to be free. Demons cannot stand in our midst. There are many testiomoniesof barren women who gave birth after going through our deliverance sessions. Today, they are joyful mothers. We have received testimonies of those who came with stammering lips but now are teachers of the Word. Many people have received deliverance from past hurts, pains, curses, addictions, bad habits, witchcraft and much more ... EVERYONE OF THOSE PEOPLE IS DELIVERED BY THE POWER OF GOD! JESUS IS NOT WEAK, JESUS IS NOT DEAD ... THE REAL JESUS DELIVERS.
Are you tired of the devil?
Are you bound in sin but there seem to be no victory even though you did your best and prayed?
Are you battling with depression, fear, anxiety, addictions , witchcraft and demonic strongholds?
If this is you, please
1. Send a donation
2. give us a call or WhatsApp Text at 303 371 1626 or email us.
3. We will contact you right back
At the moment, this service is not free. Please send a donation we will call you right back. This service is free for those who come to our Sunday or nightly services.
To schedule your session, please whatsapp text 303-371-1626 or call or email us