“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Galatians 6:9-10
As followers of Christ, the Bible teaches us TO DO GOOD. We must do good and keep doing good. We do not take a break from doing good. When we forgive, we forgive and KEEP forgiving. When we love, we love and KEEP loving till the end. One church in Revelation was told, “But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” At one time, this church was deeply in love with the Lord, but little by little, the love grew cold; the church did not KEEP her first love but gave it up.
Bear and KEEP bearing; believe and KEEP believing. Hope and KEEP hoping. Endure and KEEP enduring. KEEP doing good, till your good deeds reach to the sky, to the heaven of the heavens where our God dwells. Let your list of good deeds grow and ever keep growing. Keep forgiving, Keep loving, Keep giving, Keep helping…
Never stop doing what is good. Keep doing it and on the other hand, let your list of bad deeds KEEP ever shrinking, till there is none left; till there is nothing left standing between you and God.
There areas where you need to repent and make it right. There are those people you wrote off while God has not written them off. You have closed the door on them, you can no longer talk to them; you forgave them 70 times and after that you blocked them. But it is to forgive them and to release them from your heart. Think about them and pray for them, if it is in God’s will, they might come back in your life but you have done your part of unblocking them, leaving the door open – who knows maybe they have truly repented. While we must use wisdom, we must make sure that we keep the door open to doing good to them. JOIN US FOR REVIVAL! Rosh Hashanah Revival
When it comes to prayer, we do not pray once and then stop praying while we wait for the answer. The Bible says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8
Ask, knock, seek…: The Greek present imperatives are used here to indicate constant asking, constant seeking and constant knocking. So the Hebrew Bible translates it this way, “You must regularly ask and it will be given to you; you must continually seek and you will find; you must knock habitually and it will be opened to you.” In other word, we must not give up in praying. We do not abandon prayer. Abandoning prayer is like cutting off the life support.
In our journey to heaven, we do not take break on doing what is good. it is to KEEP DOING IT. We do not stop watching and praying. We do not stop reading the Word. We do not stop waiting upon the Lord. The foolish virgins got tired and they stopped waiting on the Lord and slept; it is then the Master came. The fig tree stopped giving fruit, and for that it was cursed. It is at that moment people stop doing good that they miss their blessings.
May God help us, as we commit to doing good at all times.
The Blazing Holy Fire