Tamari's Testimony Part 2 From the series PREPARE TO MEET YOUR GOD, here we present to you part 2 of Tamari's testimony: Crossing the Sea of Death. Part 1 was shared previously but you can read it here.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me (Psalm 23:4)

The Sea of Death
Jesus told me to keep moving forward. We walked till we got to the Sea of Death. The person who was walking with Jesus was my inner man while my body which had not given up the spirit stayed back home. We arrived at this terrible Sea of Death; a sea so huge whose kilometers are beyond numbering. This sea is terrible! In all seas I have learned about or searched out, nothing could compare to it. On earth, I had never heard of such a sea before. I discerned that even if the whole world were to descend into it, this sea would receive everyone yet still not be filled up. Its length, its width and depth are beyond measure; it is a limitless dreadful sea. The top of this sea seemed to be covered with pitch dark clouds, the kind that usually causes a rainstorm.
Jesus told me to pay attention to this sea because there were things, He wanted me to learn so that I can bring it back and proclaim it to the inhabitants of the world.
Jesus told me, “This sea you see here has laws that govern it. There is nothing or no one that crosses through carrying anything or anyone. There are no boats that cross over it. There are no ships nor vehicles nor vessels to carry someone or family members. There won’t be any man passing by here carrying his wife; there won’t be any mother who will cross over carrying her child, nor a woman crossing over while pregnant.” There is nothing that passes by here carrying another thing, even the pregnant mother has to give birth first and leave behind the baby at the shore. She must cross over on her own. Even a mother who has just finished giving birth, she leaves the baby behind at the shore and she crosses over on her own. He told me to carefully observe this terrible sea.
I easily understood about this law. How many times have you seen for example a mother who dies after giving birth and the family has said their last goodbyes, but she cannot take their little ones whom she loves. After giving birth for example to one or two children, there are those mothers who have said I cannot make it, I am going to cross over the Jordan, and they leave the children behind. A husband might ask himself, “Now what do I do with these little children? "She should have taken them with her!” This man says so because he does not know yet the laws governing the Sea of Death. There is nothing that gets a ride crossing over this Sea of Death. It is the final exam that concludes the life of every living person individually. When the mother says goodbye, that means there is nothing in her capacity she can do to take the children along. Now the question is, ‘If there is no mother who can take her young and cross over with the one in her womb, how much more should we think that we can cross over with our family members?’ Every pregnant mother must first give birth and she must leave them at the shore. Anyone carrying the little ones on their back, before crossing over, they must put them down. So each person must individually cross over this terrible sea. May the Lord have mercy upon us!
After Jesus told me about the laws concerning this Sea of Death, He made a call to heaven. He spoke in unknown tongues. To His response, I saw two angels coming down bringing with them two long iron bars that looked like a ladder or side rails. They brought them where we stood. One angel descended to our right, the other to our left. After they came down, I truly understood how Jesus is the King who conquered in heaven and on earth. When you hear it said that you must honor Him, know that He is indeed worthy for even in heaven they give Him the glory. I am saying this because after the angels descended to where we were, I saw that the angel on the right who was carrying a long, big side rail that he immediately laid it down and began to worship King Jesus. Before he could do anything else, he first worshiped the Lord Jesus. Even the one on the left did the same and worshiped the Lord Jesus. So when they say to you, "Let us worship the Lord Jesus, let us give Him the glory, let us clap our hands for Him", you should do it because even heaven does it. I am always surprised by the people during the service who are on their smart phones, or who are with their girlfriends/boyfriends; they have time for each other but they have no time for Jesus; so that when they announce, "Let's clap for the king,” they don't give him attention nor show Him respect. Beloved friend, Serving God is our gain, not serving God is our loss. If you do not serve God, it is your loss.
Crossing The Sea of Death
Standing from the seashore, I looked across this massive Sea of Death. The heavenly choir stood across the sea on the other side. I had seen them before by my bedside before leaving my body. I was told this heavenly choir sings for saints departing from this earth to the heavenly abode, making them forget the sorrow and the pain of this world. With their beautiful music, they made me heaven sick, longing for the gate of Zion.
As for the two angels, after worshiping Jesus, the angel on the right took the long side rail and put it on the seashore where we stood, these long iron bars went across that Jordan of death reaching to the other side where the heavenly choir was. The angel on the left also did the same. After that, the two angels left. I was left with King Jesus, who also stepped back and left me on the seashore. He told me, “Here is the way for you to cross over.” I wondered how I would cross through this path. Even though they had placed these long iron bars that reminded me of Jacob’s ladder, I could not see the middle steps to connect to the side rail. So I wondered how I could cross over. I wondered if I could cross over this sea stepping on the right and left rail. Going through the middle seemed to be totally impossible.
While I wondered thus, I saw another angel descending. Truly, heaven has many servants. When this angel came, he asked me, “Sojourner to the heavenly abode, are you wondering about this journey?” He offered to come and help me, he said, “Because I am your helper.” I asked him when he became my helper and he said, “Since the day you came out of the Jordan, on the day you were baptized, after accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.” So what does this mean?
All the people who have been baptized and have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior are given an angel companion who never leaves them. When I get here, I always say that truly heaven has so many servants. Can you imagine how many people who have been baptized after accepting Christ as the Lord and the Savior? Each of those people have angels. I say that heaven has many servants. It is our gain to serve God. Not serving God is our loss.
The Books of Your Works
"And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds." (Revelation 20:12)
The angel let me know that he was my helper. “After you were baptized, I was given to you. But I was also given this book.” I saw that he had the biggest book I had ever seen in the world. When a person is baptized, they come from out of the darkness of Satan to the light of Jesus. It means that those people must depart from the works of the sinful nature of Satan and come and serve into the kingdom of the light of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is important that when you are baptized, you change your lifestyle. You must forsake your former sinful deeds and start doing the deeds for the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The angel was given this book to write down all the works I did, whether they were good or evil. So from today forward, know that everything you do is being recorded. It is being written by the Angel, your companion who walks with you day and night. In the night when I am alone, far from my husband, far from the children, my Angel is there always walking with me because he is my helper who was given to me by God. He writes down all my deeds, whether they are good or evil.
Two Types of Works
He began to read calling me by my name, “Tamari Mukarugwiza started her good deeds on the day she helped an older woman to fetch the woods.” This was a work pleasing to God, and I saw that it came out of the book and turned into a step that connected to either side of the side rails. It connected to the left and to the right-side rail. This formed my first rung step. He told me to leave the shore to stand upon my work. I made my first step and stood upon my good work. He read the second one, it was also a good deed and it turned into a second rung step. I moved forward to this second step and stood upon my good work. He read the third and it was a good work and I stood upon it. He read the fourth one and I also stood upon it and continued to move forward, eager to cross over this massive sea to join the heavenly choir. I did likewise on the fifth work but alas, the sixth and seventh works were bad deeds that had question marks on them.
The Final Test of One’s Personal Life
"If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, his workmanship will be evident, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will prove the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives, he will receive a reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but only as if through the flames." (1 Corinthians 3:12-15)
When he read the bad works, instead of leaving the book to form a rung step, instead it became like a thread. Would you be able to weld a thread to a metal? It is not possible. I saw that this thread could not connect to the side rail. When the thread tried to touch the sides, when it reached by the sea of death, a sea of fire and brimstone, the thread became like a plastic bag thrown into the fire. It was crunched up and there was so much smoke coming out of it. Standing on the 5th step, I saw this bad work burning. Even the seventh work was not good and it became like a thread and when it touched the sea, it crunched up like a plastic bag, and I saw much smoke coming out of it so I kept standing where I was. But thank God, the 8th work was a good deed, it is the one that became my 6th stepping rung and I was able to move forward. The angel kept reading; I moved forward. On the 15th there are some works that burned. It was like this, the good deeds remained, the bad deeds burned, and I would only be able to move forward where there were good deeds. I want to satisfy your curiosity, you who read this testimony or hear this message about what happened when we reached to the 30th step. Though we sing, “even in death, Jesus will go with me,” I want you to know that when you get to the Sea of Death, Jesus does not cross with you. Jesus died once and for all, he will never go through death again. This is the final test, which conclude the life of Mukarugwiza on a personal level. Jesus stood at the seashore, even the angel who read my works, he did not cross over with me but stayed at the seashore. So you will cross over the Jordan of death or Sea of Death by yourself. Because this is the final test that concludes your individual life, Jesus does not cross over through this Sea of Death with you.
I saw that Jesus whistled at the angel who read my work and bid him, “stop reading her works, there is something I want to teach Tamari Mukarugwiza in the middle of this sea.” the angel stopped reading the works. Jesus said, “Mukarugwiza, please look back from where you came from. “I looked back to the first step I had taken. When I was crossing over, I was curious, eager to join the heavenly choir and I never looked back to see what was going on behind me. At Jesus' call, I looked back and I noticed that all the good works, as they were being read, they became a step I stepped on. I saw that my good works behind me were rolled back like a matt, they followed me. Jesus asked me, “Do you remember that it is written their deeds will follow them?” In Revelation 14:13 it says, “And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on! Yes, says the Spirit, so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them.”
He said, “Now look how your deeds are following you.”
How do our deeds follow us?
As you move forward from one step to another standing upon your work, the deeds behind fold like a mat that is rolled up. When I was standing on the 30th step, from the 29th step backward it was but my deeds rolled up as the Bible says that the deeds follow us. My deeds followed me like a scroll rolled up. What does not get folded are the two side iron bars which the angels brought; those would be used by other sojourners. It is a support that is given to everyone and they do not fold but stay, what follows you is only your work. Behind the folded steps is a massive sea with the two long iron bars on top of the sea reaching from shore to shore. Jesus asked me if I had noticed that. He told me to look where I was going, “Do you see this ocean which is ahead of you? Do you see that it is far, far away? You still have a way to go, and this means there needs to be more good works that you must add to it, so that you may cross over to the other side.” I let Him know that I was observing everything. He asked, “My beloved child Mukarugwiza, as your works followed you, behind you is the sea; ahead of you it is also the sea, and it is a long distance which is still waiting for your many good works in order to cross over. What will happen then if you reach the middle sea and you do not have more good works? What if you were told that your works have finished, how would you finish to cross over?”
I thought about it and I could not come up with an answer. I added all my math that I have learned in school, but I saw that it was all but fragmented pieces. After finding no answer, I told Him, “Only you Lord knows!” I thought about it again, behind me is the sea. Ahead of me is the sea with still a long distance to cover, to be able to cross over! Many more deeds are needed to add so that I could continue the journey. The deeds behind me were all rolled up, there was no way to unroll them to use them to continue the journey ahead. If they were to say that my works are finished, wretched person I would be. How would I leave this place? I told Him, “My Lord, you are the only one who knows!”
Do Not Fall Short of Good Deeds He told me, “Go tell my people that anyone who is in the middle of crossing this sea and is found to fall short of good deeds, then their book of deeds will be rolled up because their good deeds are finished. Go tell my people then that even the little works they would be standing on will not save them but will instead make them stumble and they will go to their father the devil whom they have served. These are the ones who arrive into hell and Satan will ask them, You also have ended up here? Have you come here where maggots will be spread out beneath you and worms cover you? With all your singing saying, “tread upon Satan,” have you also come here?” These are the ones whom the devil rejoices over, mocking them! May the Lord save us!
Who Are the People Who Fall in the Midst of the Sea of Death?
This was a terrible place! May God have mercy upon us. Jesus asked me if I had paid attention to everything I had seen and I said yes. He said “Before you leave this place, I want to explain to you about those people who fall into the Sea of Death while they are in the middle of crossing. He said, 'Tell my people that those are the people who started doing well the works of righteousness but they did not finish well.'" It is possible that you may start doing the works of righteousness but then end up finishing wrong. It is possible that you may have started doing the righteous works but in the middle you stopped and started doing the deeds of darkness, which will burn up in the Sea of Death.
Who are the other people who fall in the middle of their crossings? They are the people who have done good works in the beginning but they stopped. They no longer serve God anymore. You cannot tell them to visit the sick. You cannot ask them to help the orphans or widows any more. Those people who have stopped serving the Lord saying that Christianity is a bunch of schemes.
Jesus told me that I should come back and let you know that the later deeds are the ones that give value to the former works. How you finish is very important. He furthermore said to me, “Tell the leaders of my people, tell those who are called by my name, deacons, servants, all my children… tell them to not lightly gift heaven to those who have passed away.” There are times we go to someone’s funeral and we say, “she/he has made it to heaven”. Jesus told me to not freely donate heaven to everyone who have passed away because it is not everyone who makes it to heaven. May the God of peace be with us.
Jesus said, “From today forward, after hearing this message, know for real that nothing and no one can cross over this Jordan carrying anything; these are the laws that govern this sea. Before crossing, a pregnant woman must first give birth and leave the child behind at the seashore; the nursing mothers have to leave the young ones behind.” Jesus said and added, “You have children who have been baptized. Since now you know that you will not be able to help them cross over, and since you know that there is no boats or ships found in that place to give anyone a ride; since now you know that each person will cross over using her/his work, why are you not teaching your children to have works of righteousness? Why are you not teaching them to serve Me? If you do not teach them, how do you think they would cross over this Jordan?” This is a question every parent should ask himself and come up with the right solution.