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Defeat Suicide & Suicidal Thoughts

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire
You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38)

It is God’s Will for You To Be Free From All Oppression

It is God’s will for you to be free from depression, suicidal thoughts and all oppression. Know this truth and treasure it in your heart. So, fight for your freedom, do not quit. You cannot lose if you do not quit. In this fight, you are never alone. The one who says I will never leave you nor forsake you, is with you, closer than you think - ALL YOU NEED IS TO CALL UPON HIS NAME: JESUS, COME AND RESCUE ME! Do not quit, because Jesus is there to give you victory. When He was on earth, Jesus did not pass by those who were sick; Jesus did not pass by those who were demon possessed, He did not give them up but He healed ALL who were oppressed by the devil. So, you need to know and remember, it is God’s will for you to be free from all demonic oppression from the devil, this include depression, anxiety, all mental issues, suicide and suicidal thoughts.

It is God’s will for you to live all the days He has ordained for your life! God tells us that, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). What this means is that the devil is the one who kills. But how does the devil kill except he uses people who are in flesh and blood. So we must be careful that the devil does not use us to take a single life (kill)! On the other hand, it says that Jesus wants you to live. He wants you to LIVE ABUNDANT LIFE!

“…The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8 Jesus cannot wait to see you free! He has a burning desire to see you free from all oppression. One day, Jesus spoke to me, “My daughter, I want you to know that sickness and all oppression are not from Me. Sickness is not a blessing. Demonic oppression is not a gift from Me. I am Life! I am the King of peace! I give peace! Not only did I die for your sins, but tell people I died for their freedom from all oppressions.” Galatians 5:1 So while it is true that some believers in our midst are dealing with depression, we must not accept that as the norm but it is a disease to get rid off and not live with. There is hope. Pray strong, seek the Lord diligently and request the body of Christ to pray for you especially those who are spirit filled. Just in the same way when one has cancer, they fight it, we must fight all oppression and not accept them as the norm.When you read the Bible, you find out that Jesus went about doing good, healing all manners of sickness and diseases and on top that you see Jesus casting out demons (Mark 1:32-34).

Jesus paid the price for the well being of your body, soul and spirit. He paid the price in full for your entire being including depression, suicidal thoughts, PSTD, anxiety and all mental distribution. God wants you to know that he cures all of that even in our world today.

But What Are Suicidal Thoughts & Depression?

Harassing thoughts of hopelessness and discouragement, that hunt people in their mind but in reality, when you look at it with your spiritual eyes, they are demons assigned to steal, kill and destroy. These thoughts are contrary to the mind of Christ and they wage war in the mind telling people that there is no bright future, there is no way out, that it is better to end your life now! These demons are lying and deceiving spirits, who deceives people so that once they commit suicide they can end in hell. As to what happens to those who commit suicide, Jesus told me, “Tell people to not be deceived and die in their sins! He said, ‘LIFE IS NOT YOURS TO GIVE, LIFE IS NOT FOR YOURS TO TAKE;” As it is written in Exodus 20:13 “"You shall not murder”.

So, These demons of death love to harass people who give them listening ears, so it is to shut them down, fight them as if against a robber and to put on the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16) by storing and treasuring the Word of God in our mind and hearts (meditate and memorize scriptures). The Bible talks about these demons in John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” The thief in this scripture is the devil.

I have been in a full-time ministry since 2006 when I started The Blazing Holy Fire ministries. In 2008, while I was in a season of seeking the Lord diligently, the Lord took me through a season of intense training in spiritual warfare, and he showed me the demonic realm and how demons work tiressly in our world today to destroy families, churches and society in our world. The Lord trained me with hands on how to defeat these demons, by even allowing sometimes witches and satanist to come to our church to be delivered. From the year 2009, Blazing Holy Fire became a full-time deliverance ministry. The Lord trained me in many ways including face to face visitations. The church and I have done hundreds of deliverances on those who wanted to be delivered from witchcraft, curses, homosexuality and all sorts of demonic oppression. We have done deliverance on those who have depression and all manners of mental issues; and we have seen that Jesus cures all these issues 100%.

In fact, as I write this, one of our members is a former client to mental hospitals but today the Lord has set her free. She used to stay at mental hospitals and was a frequent visitor. It all stopped when she went through our deliverance ministry. It has been 3 years since she is 100% free from suicidal thoughts, 100% free from depression and anxiety. Today, she drives her own car, has a place of her own and is working full time – whereas before, she needed someone to babysit her and she needed a social security check to survive. Jesus has made her whole and her testimony can be found here.

In our ministry, depression and all mental disturbances cannot stand because the power of God is very strong in our midst. We pray strong and seek God diligently. “You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” Acts 10:38

  • Surgery is not done within 1 hour. When we do deliverance, we do not rush but take time to dig out all demonic roots. For us what is important is that we cast out all devils and destroy all their roots

  • We do not charge. Freely you received, freely give. Our reward is that you are free indeed

  • Deliverance is done by sessions and so far, one session can last from 1 to 6 hours in one sitting

  • We do not meet you just for one session, we see people until the Holy Spirit tells us that all issues are dealt with. So, after the first visit, we tell you to come for another session if need be (which is almost the case)

  • Deliverance is done at least by 2 trained staff members, sometimes more as is needed

  • All staff members involved in deliverance must be free from any bondage. The Lord has forbidden us to use people in deliverance who are infant in their walk with Christ or still weak in their faith or who need freedom for themselves because when you cast out devils, as they leave the people, then they can enter those who are weak. Only those who have overcome the devil and are experienced are directly involved in the deliverance sessions. For example, anyone who is dealing with depression will not be leading or involved on the deliverance team. They must be free first“

  • You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” Acts 10:38

  • Minister of God, you need to be the owner of God’s power: Jesus cured all demonic oppression, he healed sickness and cast out devils out of people, the way Jesus was able to do that, it is because He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with Power.

  • Sadly, the Lord told me many pastors are weak spiritually, they do not pray strong, they do not seek God diligently and it breaks God's heart...The power of God is not obtained overnight, there is a price to payYou become the owner of God’s power by living Jesus lifestyle of prayer and the Word. Please study how Jesus prayed and how He did what He saw the Father doing

  • You need to pray strong, powerfully and be dangerously fully armed with the weapons of God

  • There is always a cause of what such and such thoughts of depression come on believers. So, in our deliverance session, the Holy Spirit shows us the root cause

  • When the root is discovered, the Holy Spirit shows us why it is there

  • We then lead an individual into a thorough repentanceRepentance cause demons to lose legal ground on the individual

  • After repentance, we cast out demons

  • We teach people about open doors and how to keep the devil out

  • When people are delivered, we teach them how to keep their faith by building them to be strong in their faith; we teach them to pray strong, to discern, God uses us to impart His gifts into them and we take them through a season of mentoring and training.

  • If you need deliverance or have questions about this article, please email us.

To Be Continued…

Watch 'Defeat Demons and Suicide & Suicidal Thoughts':


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