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Testimony: Delivered from the Spirit of Accidents & Deaths

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Beloved in Christ:

Holy Greetings! Early this year, the Lord warned us of accidents and premature deaths in 2019. He told us to be careful and to pray for protection. He also gave us Psalm 91 as a word we can stand on praying and declaring! Here below is a testimony of BHF prayer warrior, Delphine Collins.

God bless you as you read my testimony. I am Jesus Warrior, a warrior in God's army and a faithful member of the Blazing Holy Fire Church (BHF).

The year of 2019 has been a year of many blessings but also of many trials. The attacks from our adversary, the devil have been many not only against BHF but in general against the body of Christ. satan is just a devil who is like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.

I want to thank the Lord for my Father, Almighty God who continuously watches over all of us. Our Father never slumber nor sleep nor is her ever slow to act. He is a gracious great Father!

From the beginning of February, the devil himself has been coming to my room to scare me especially after prayer battles. We pray every night as a church, and I am one of the prayer warriors whose spiritual eyes are open and I love God so much, I never miss prayer. I am there every night. So the more the devil showed his ugly face, the more I sought our Heaven Father for protection. He always answers me instantly, Hallelujah! James 4:8

That is just the glance of the many spiritual attacks. However, Satan didn’t stop there. He sent agents of premature death, accident but the Lord is ever present to protect me. The spirit of accident followed me throughout the month of February. The accident spirit manifested itself beginning February 4 while driving home. I stopped at the red light. While waiting for the light to change, all of of sudden, an SUV hit me from the rear. Immediately, my car radio rebooted. My face nearly hit the steering wheel. I went back and forth in seconds. I was nervous and timid. The spirit of fear tried to overpower my mind. Then, I stopped and paused to think what I would do next. The driver who was at fault walked fast towards my car with no empathy towards her wrongdoing. She didn’t apologize for hitting me in the car. She told me that there was nothing wrong with my car and I should go back in my car. She even said that I was stopping traffic. Then I knew it, she was acting like the agent of the devil sent to discourage and attack me.

As this lady was yelling at me to drive off, the Lord sent down two angels. Those angels had wings. Then the Lord Jesus began speaking to me. He counseled me to show love, forgiveness and courtesy to the other driver. The Lord Jesus audibly spoke to me to remain calm until cops arrived at the scene. I obeyed the voice of the Lord. However, I was still shaking and timid.

Then, as soon I got back into my vehicle, my two angels began ministering to me. I could see some of their features. I could hear the angels clearly while they were ministering to me on being polite and obedient. Then the Lord reminded me that I didn’t have my documents on me such as license and insurance. I grew even nervous. But the angels gradually comforted me. The police and ambulance arrived to take me to the hospital. When the police asked me for my driver’s license and insurance, I spoke the truth that I didn’t have them on hand. The police were understanding. By law, I should have gotten ticketed or even worse my vehicle would have been towed, but the Lord granted me His grace. When the police returned to my vehicle, he told me that I was free to go. I received no ticket or citation of warning. Through these angels. God completely healed my nervous body. I became normal again. As I was driving away, the Lord of Host spoke audibly from heaven and said, “Psalm 91”.

That very same day, I learned that my son had an accident and fell at the basketball court. The Lord also protected him and he was not hurt.

The second day, as I was driving behind a member of our church, I lost control of my wheel and before I could slam into his vehicle, the Lord instantly took control of my body and I swirled to the side of the road. Moments later, the Lord opened my spiritual eyesight and I saw the big principality that was responsible for my accidents. It had covered the center of my path. Then, the Lord lifted my vehicle and I flew passed the demon that would’ve had me into another accident. Hallelujah, I saw the protection of the Lord as I drove closer to my destination. Praise His name for all eternity. Psalm 91:11-12.

On the 3rd day after my accident, my mother Disciple who reside in Michigan, got into an accident damaging her car.

On the night of February 24, after taking my shower, as I was opening the glass door, it shattered into pieces. Some of the pieces got into my skin. It was horrible and scary but delivered me from this accident and from all evil. Oh! Our God is awesome, beyond wonders. I give Him all glory and honor. Thank you, Jesus, for letting me to see the month of March 2019.

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens.

Praise Him for his acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness.

Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and lyre,

Praise Him with timbrel and dancing, praise Him with the strings and pipe,

Praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.


Delphine Collins
Delphine Collins
Sep 23, 2021

this Girl was used too much...GOD be her JUDGE!


Delphine Collins
Delphine Collins
Sep 23, 2021

Testimony: Delivered from the Spirit of Accidents & Deaths

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Beloved in Christ: Holy Greetings! Early this year, the Lord warned us of accidents and premature deaths in 2019. He told us to be careful and to pray for protection. He also gave us Psalm 91 as a word we can stand on praying and declaring! Here below is a testimony of BHF prayer warrior, Delphine Collins. God bless you as you read my testimony. I am Jesus Warrior, a warrior in God's army and a faithful member of the Blazing Holy Fire Church (BHF). The year of 2019 has been a year of many blessings but also of many trials. The attacks from our adversary, the devil have been…


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