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Fight for Jesus on Halloween

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

One night after Halloween battle, the Lord came and spoke to our group: "My beloved children, you won the victory for tonight but prepare for the fight this weekend! I am a good God - but serving Me is not meant to be easy! This next weekend will be full of intense warfare and trials - but you shall overcome if you just have faith in Me! I love you all! You are each special and beloved unto Me! Remember Who you serve - a Loving and Powerful Bridegroom!  I am the Deliverer - the One Who will prove VICTORIOUS! I love you my children."

Tonight the Lord reminded me of these words. Prepare now, consecrate yourself (Exodus 19:10-11), fight a good fight of faith!

During the midnight hour of October 31st, many, many churches in USA and around the globe will be closed, probably many pastors and their congregation members will be sleeping and snoring by midnight… While satan worship all over America and many other countries all over the world is taking place! …  sleeping while satan and his followers are awake, stealing, killing and destroying on earth! You have received this email because God is calling you to stand in the gap, interrupt satan’s play and put an end to his slaughter! You can do it – JESUS is on your side. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!

Dear warriors, October 31st, let us join the army of heaven. Let us repent for the sins of the earth! Let us repent. Let us fight alongside with the army of heaven. JESUS, God of the Angel Army is with us and He will give us victory this weekend! Hallelujah! Here we share what the Lord has taught us to do during this season.


Consecrate yourself, begin now Plan on doing all night prayer Please dress in white on that day Water fast till after midnight. Stay away from sin, remain holy so that God can use you to fight the forces of darkness! No sin, no division! Stay holy! Be vigilant on that day, don’t make unnecessary errands. Keep praying and watching! Put on the full armor of God.


Be exceedingly joyful, humorous and smiling all the way till the end.

Organize your prayer time as led by the Holy Spirit Start with powerful worship, holy dance and joyful songs of victory Put on the full armor of God and do warfare prayers – see at end of document Repent for sin committed by our generation and the generations before, from Adam all the way to our generation and for all nations!


Pride Lying Deception Seduction Abortion Witchcraft Slander Perversion Satanic tongues Sexual sins (homosexual sins and perversion of any kind) Seeing ungodly things: tv, movies, video games Sin committed by our bodies, go from head to toes Etc…

After repentance, start praying in tongues as you are led. Pray powerfully, not just with your body but with your soul and your spirit

Take a break about 11pm Satanic high mass will be taking place midnight at where you live Be ready by 11.50 to get back in prayer 11.55 that is 5 minutes before midnight, start calling upon the name of JESUS! Start praying powerfully in tongues with everything you have. Turn up the volume, all the way up! Hallelujah! Pray powerfully and strong with your soul and everything within you. Prayer should be at the maximum by midnight. Do not stop praying until you feel a release. Then put on joyful worship and songs of victory. Start dancing before the Lord with thanksgiving. Keep the joy, keep the smile.


In the name of JESUS Christ crucified, died and risen, I bind all spirits of the air, the atmosphere, the water, the fire, the wind, the ground, the underground, and the nether world. I also bind the influence of any lost or fallen soul who may be present, and all emissaries of the satanic headquarters or any coven of witches or warlocks or satan worshippers who may be present in some preternatural way. I claim the blood of JESUS on the air and atmosphere, the water, the fire, the wind, the ground and their fruits all around us, the underground and the nether world. In the name of JESUS Christ I forbid every adversary mentioned to communicate with or help one another in any way or to communicate with me, except as I permit. Lord, I ask You to bless our enemies by sending your Holy Spirit to lead them to repentance.

In the name of JESUS Christ I seal this place and all present and all family and associates of those present and their places and possessions and sources of supply in the blood of JESUS.

In the name of JESUS Christ I forbid any lost spirits, covens, satanic groups or emissaries or any of their associates, subjects or superiors to harm or take revenge on me, my family, my associates, or cause harm or damage to anything we have. In the Name of JESUS Christ and by the merits of His precious blood, I break, decommission and dissolve every curse, hex, seal, spell, sorcery, bond, snare, trap, device, lie, stumbling block, obstacle, deception, diversion or distraction, spiritual chain or spiritual influence, every temptation, accusation or harassment, also every disease of body, soul, mind or spirit placed upon us, or on this place, or on any of the persons, places, and things mentioned, by any agent, or brought on us by our own mistakes or sins.


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Revival Services: Sundays @7PM | Location: 9250 E. Belleview Av. Greenwoord Village, CO 80111
Mailing Address: Blazing Holy Fire 10940 S Parker Rd. #785 Parker, CO 80134-7440

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