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How Much He Loves You!

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Jesus encounters intro: Our church started praying every night during the season of Rosh Hashanah 2009. Ever since then, our church meet nightly for powerful prayers and revival services. From that day on, an open heaven began over our church ... But in 2013, 12 faithful prayer warriors who met at the church had a deep encounter from the Lord that was unlike others. It all began when the youngest prayer warrior in our midst - a teenage at the time fell deeply in love with Jesus after undergoing through a powerful deliverance in which she received the gift of speaking in tongues and many other gifts from the Lord. Though she was taking summer school, she committed to wake up very early and spend 2 hours with the Lord in prayer before going to school. As she started attending nightly corporate prayers at the church, Jesus first manifested Himself to her, took her to the throne room in heaven, giving her a message for the church and all the members. From then on, Jesus started coming every night in His manifest presence and spoke to all of us sometimes as a group or one on one. The Lord took us to heaven and hell every night and shared with us great and mighty things. He kindly spoke to us and trained us for a period of over one year. Here is the summary of those encounters, details will be shared in books to be written soon – Hope this bless you and bring you closer to Jesus! ~ BHF

Tell Them How Much I Love Them

We proclaim to you the One who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw Him with our own eyes and touched Him with our own hands. He is the Word of life. (1 John 1:1). Children of God – Most of whom are being tested and tried, today Abba wants me to talk to you about the Love He has for you. Many of you have no idea, you have no clue of how much Jesus loves you! You have been going through many warfare and through it you sometimes feel forgotten, forsaken but will a loving King abandons His faithful warriors? Envision Jesus with His arms wide open saying “I L-O-V-E you this much…!” But as you look and envision Him, His arms keep growing, stretching indefinitely because His love for you knows no end. Jesus is always with you and for you, He clings to you more than you cling to Him! He is there for you 24x7, every second of it, He is there for you! Oh, the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Jesus for you – It surpasses human knowledge and understanding! We have spent many hours sitting at His feet, learning wisdom above wisdom and tasting His love first hand. Still, He tells us that right now we cannot comprehend how much He loves us! So this is an attempt to try to explain the love Jesus has for you so that you might rise up again and gain new strength. Someone is in love with you It was explained to me that Jesus fell in love with each one of you the moment He decided to make you…even before you were born. You are not an accident but someone He created with careful consideration. Then … when He saw you, the beautiful creation He made, He fell more in love with you … and when you knelt down and received Him in your heart, He even fell deeper in love with you! The Lord is in love with you deeply and as you faithfully walk with Him, He falls more deep in love with you EVERYDAY! Oh, how Jesus loves you! Many of you have no clue; you have no idea how special you are to Him!!! Do you know that Jesus is with you always and that He fights for you in all warfare? He explained to us that He fights for you more than you fight for yourself. But the enemy comes in and tells you that He does not care, that maybe He has forgotten you and that He is not there for you, that He is not doing anything for you, that you pray so much but He does not answer… My friend, know that Jesus cares for you and He is never against you but for you – but you have to understand that this is a war, how much you obey Him, trust Him and believe in His promises matter! (Read Romans 4) Don’t ever believe the lies of the devil! When you believe the lies of the devil, it gives him power. The only power satan has comes through the sin that people commit! Imagine if we all walked blamelessly before God – not a single person will be demon possessed, not a single person would be sick, satan would have no place in our lives and he would be easily defeated! Jesus who alone is worthy to trust - He alone is God, He alone is Strong. Jesus wants you to trust Him with everything you have – that you trust and believe His words to you, that He will bring it to pass. But you say “I cannot hear Him, I do not have face to face visitations.” But my beloved – ‘The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart’, He talks to you every day through the Bible and many other ways. Receive His word, believe it - Watch out for your enemies – doubts and unbelief! Jesus Who… Jesus who weeps with you! Jesus who holds you tight when you weep and will not let you go! Jesus who carries you through many many trials! Jesus – Abba, the Father who protects you! Who watches over you as you sleep, coming in and going out! Jesus who dances with you! Jesus, The shepherd who guides, and lays down His own life for you! Jesus who holds your hand and lead you! Jesus who clings to you more than you cling to Him! Jesus who guards you and protect you every day! Jesus who laughs with you and is joyful! Jesus who is so humorous and gives joy and peace! Jesus who gave up everything for you! Oh, how much He loves you! Jesus, a friend who sticks closer than a brother, who else is a best friend to trust? He loves more than the best lover you have heard of; more than the most loving mother or father you have ever known or heard of; more than the closest friend you have ever had. Jesus who loves like none others --- He loves more than a bridegroom loves His bride! Keep your eyes upon Him, focus on Him… as you breathe, breathe in Jesus, one day He will make an end to everything that troubles you. TRUST HIM WITH EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE! The Jesus We Have Come to Know

Before the Lord’s visitations, I have to say none of us knew how much Jesus loves. We thought we did but when we met Him face to face, our minds were blown away by His extravagant Love for us. We have tasted: Greater Love Jesus loves extravagantly! His love is a love that is selfless, a love that never seeks its own! It is the greater love "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” – the love that does not think about 'me' first but others! Before coming to earth, Jesus was in heaven full of glory and power. He is and was always Love and before we were created He poured His love upon the angels and other creatures. He was in a perfect place. There was nothing that He lacked. Looking down on earth, He saw hopelessness, darkness; a people lost without him – destined to hell. Jesus came on earth only for love’s sake – The love that has no other interest except to rescue and deliver. The love that gives up own comfort so that others may be comforted; The love that chooses to die so that others can live. The love that gives up all things to save others – regardless of how heavy the price is. Jesus came looking for our own interest. He wants us to be joyful, when He sees us joyful, His joy abounds more. Jesus came, emptied Himself and poured out Himself like a drink so that we can live. Jesus has taught us about this love and we have watched those who learned from Him in our midst choosing to die for others. For example when prayers warriors would be taken to hell, they would not be afraid take beatings and torments that were meant for others! Jesus told us “My children, as you observe how much I love, just learn from me, mimic me!” even giving a tiny bit of the amount of love that He has shown you will make a difference. Mimic Him! Esther exemplified this type of love. When Haman plotted to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, Esther went into the king without being summoned at the expanse of her own life. She was willing to give up all royal privileges and her very own life in order to save God’s people. As she went into the king, she said “if I perish, I perish.” She did not consider her life and royal privileges as something to cling to. "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it.” Mark 8:35. You desire to see the King face to face? Know that it will cost you everything and will you still be willing to see Him face to face even if it means death? Esther went to see the King with this attitude!

Sacrificial love

The love Jesus has for you is a sacrificial love. He shared with us that when He was on earth He gave till there was nothing to give. He prayed for people and healed them till His body gave out. He gave the cloths that were supposed to keep Him warm. He gave the food that was supposed to go in His own mouth. This is Sacrificial love –

The love that put others first, the love that pays the price so that others can live. Jesus is calling you to love like Him – He is looking for a man / woman who will stand in the gap for this dying world!

Jesus is full of loving-kindness towards all people, sinners and believers alike. When the visitation started and until His training to us is done, He only met the 12 and their family members. There has to be a price to see His face! There were times however when in our secret place travelers showed up and not once, have we seen Him turning away those who came to Him. He would say “welcome to the family” and love on them extravagantly. Even for a season, He extended the grace to meet with anyone who was part of the church who desired to talk to Him.

We saw the Lord being patient listening to people, answering questions even when in our own minds we thought some questions did not deserve answers. There were those who were not faithful or committed to Him – The Lord convicts people on a personal basis and so He would never point out their weakness but only pointed out their strength and pointed them in the right direction – when people don’t listen, He is not afraid to rebuke and correct however. There are times people asked the same question over and over again but the Lord was full of patience – patience beyond patience… long suffering and He would gently answer them.

There are times people asked ‘Lord, what is my weakness?” He would only point out their strength – I asked Him why He was doing that and He said He was their strength. There are times people asked “Lord, how am I doing now?” Even when it was obvious that these people were not faithful to Him, the Lord emphasized their strength and in prayer, on one on one, His Spirit would convict them.

The Lord’s words are so sweet. He speaks with love, love that’s not of this realm. The sweet names He calls you by, how gentle, how meek, how romantic! His voice is sweeter than honey, His voices caresses and holds. His words give life! I wish us all to meet the Lord face to face… By the way, He wants to meet you face to face, He is more excited to meet you than you are! Seek Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).

The Lord is faithful. Whenever He would promise something, He would do it even when we had forgotten, He would still fulfill His words… but we found out we can never understand His timing. His ‘soon’ might mean a long time or short time for us. One night as I inquired, He told me “you will find out soon.” Indeed that word was fulfilled within a couple hours.

He is also beyond IQ. If you would come to Him and read about 50 questions all at once for example, He would wait patiently and listen. At the end, when He would answer, He would do it one by one without forgetting nor skipping any questions though He did not have a copy of those questions. He has totally amazed us!

We found out that He is a God who is always for you and never against you! He defends you and those who obey Him doing His will, you will be amazed how He is involved in your life and His spirit controls what goes on in your life every day.

When we were too hard on ourselves thinking we have messed it up, He would come and comfort and stand with us and show how we did a great job and how things happened with His permission! He is a God who loves you and defend you always, a God who is always on your side – But if one sin, they must repent quickly because sin separates you from Him.

Our church is quick to repent and He would rejoice greatly when we repented… that sometimes what was supposed to be a night in hell would end up being a night to be taken to heaven just because we repented. His love keeps no record of wrong! He forgives and forgets and continues to love extravagantly as though we had done nothing wrong.

Jesus who shares

“And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.” Luke 9:30-31

Jesus would come and share ahead of time about the missions we were going to accomplish as a church or as individuals and everything would happen as He predicted. He would meet with those whom He was going to take to hell and He would share in advance what would take place.

Just like how you talk and share with your best friend, He could not wait till the meeting to share what was on His heart. He loves to talk to those who love Him. He would share things that only best friend can share and make you part of what He is doing. When I had meetings, He would let me know in advance and prepare me for that what to preach or sometimes He would have me preach by faith without preparing but He would speak to me and give me words as I preach.

From the beginning, He would tell some of us how our eyes would open; those who were going to go to hell, sometimes He would come and discuss what was going to happen. But many times, He does not do that because He wants you to live by faith and not by sight.

Jesus wants you to know that as you also pray before you do something, He guides and lead you and gives you strategy. Jesus is pure love. Don’t ever forget how much He loves you. Don’t ever ever doubt His


John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

1 John 3:16 "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers" J

ohn 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John

15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

Matthew 20:28" give his life as a ransom for many.”

Listen to song "Your Love So High"- Matt Redman

1 comentário

Delphine Collins
Delphine Collins
23 de set. de 2021

How Much He Loves You!

Jesus encounters intro: Our church started praying every night during the season of Rosh Hashanah 2009. Ever since then, our church meet nightly for powerful prayers and revival services. From that day on, an open heaven began over our church ... But in 2013, 12 faithful prayer warriors who met at the church had a deep encounter from the Lord that was unlike others. It all began when the youngest prayer warrior in our midst - a teenage at the time fell deeply in love with Jesus after undergoing through a powerful deliverance in which she received the gift of speaking in tongues and many other gifts from the Lord. Though she was taking summer…


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