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How to Introduce Jesus

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

How to Introduce People to Jesus

Think about this: Every time you go in the streets to evangelize, every time you hand out flyers - people are saved! Each time you go they are saved! Each time you go in the streets, the Lord accompanies you! When people get saved, if your spiritual eyes are opened you can see that the moment they accept Jesus, the devil departs and Jesus enter in and dwell in their heart. The Lord told us “I love the streets. I love it, when my children walk the streets and spread my love.”

Are you a follower of Jesus? If yes, it is your duty to introduce people to Jesus! “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” - Romans 10:13-15

One night as we sat in the presence of Jesus, He taught us how to evangelize effectively.

The Ambiance in Heaven When Someone Becomes Born-again

The Lord shortly described the feeling in heaven when one person comes to the Lord: “You know that feeling you get when you all laugh as a family, and dance and rejoice and there is no negativity; when it is all pure, joy and love for me! You know that feeling, can you remember? It is like that times thousands – it is so much more! All the heavens, at every level, every creature, every angel, every created being rejoices. My Father Laughs and smiles, The Holy Spirit claps His hands and dances! And I laugh, and I sing and I play with my children! And I just rejoice, that this the best way to describe it until you can see it yourself!"

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10

When Happens When Someone Dies

That same night the Lord told us that when someone dies, he can instantly judge them. He said “They are judged, there are many in hell! When they are judged, they either go to heaven or they go to hell. Those who are judged, they are judged, that is it! Once you die, there is no second chance, that is it! If they knew me or not.” Furthermore the Lord said “I am literally a judge and I am a lawyer. I am in court all day! Your life is a court. It is the evidence satan uses against you and it is the evidence I use to defend you. I fight for every single soul, but most I lose because of their life, that is the evidence satan presents and there is no way that they can be saved if they did not choose me.”

When You Introduce People to Jesus

The Lord wants you to go in the streets with joy! You are carrying good news, go with a smile! You are bringing an important message from the Throne of the Almighty God! Smile and do not let the smile leave your face. It is Jesus through you and it will change the atmosphere wherever you take it.

Be loving and gentle especially with those who do not know the Lord. Introduce Jesus to them, you can use the flyer from our website to start talking to them but there are times people are in rush, in that case give the flyer to them and remind them to read it. Bless them in the name of Jesus. When you talk to the people, encourage them. Remind them that they are beautiful and wonderfully made. Remind them Jesus is the one who made them and created them.

Tell them about Jesus. Let Him be the center of the conversation. Introduce them to the Real Jesus you have met and have come to know. Introduce them to Jesus who saved you. Introduce them to Jesus who healed you. Introduce them to Jesus who delivered you from sin and did such and such miracles for you. Tell them about heaven and the rewards that await those who believe in Jesus. Tell them how loving and kind Jesus is. Tell them about the relationship you have with Jesus. Tell them about what Jesus has done for you.

In every conversation, bring them back to the One Thing: JESUS. When distraction comes in and they want to go around and around, bring them back to the One Thing: JESUS! As you talk about Jesus, the atmosphere changes. As you talk about Him, they will be able to feel Him. When you discern evil spirits in them, within you and silently, bind them and cast them out in Jesus name!

Those who say “I know Jesus”

Those people who say they know Jesus but you know they don’t!!! Jesus told us to ask them “How do you know Me? What do you know about Me? Tell Me about it?” Use the scriptures to point them to the Truth. Do not be afraid to tell them the truth because it is the truth that sets them free. But remember to speak the truth in love. Especially to the lukewarm Christians, ask them how is their relationship with Jesus. Tell them the relationship you have with Jesus. Tell them about the intimacy you have with Him.

One church member’s daughter had just said her vows to Jesus and married Him. When he asked Jesus how he should witness to his neighbors, Jesus said, Introduce them to your Son in Law! This member has already done it, praise God!

Witnessing to the Catholic Be gentle. Remind them that Mary is a redeemed, she needed a savior like everyone else. Jesus died for all sinners including Mary. She called Him her savior “How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!” (Luke 1:47). Share scriptures with them: you can use Luke 11:27-28. Mark 3:31-35. Remind them the last words spoken by Mary in the Bible: "Whatever He says to you, do it." John 2:5. Tell them to do ‘Whatever Jesus says’.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." – John 14:6

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

Offer a prayer. Encourage and continue to pray for them. The prayer of the righteous accomplish much!


Aug 19, 2024

I have some questions. What is the purpose of an eternal hell from which no one will ever escape? Why doesn’t He stop that suffering? Will He really leave people to be tortured and raped for trillions of years without end? Why doesn’t He decide to destroy those souls and ease their pain? Why did He create all of humanity if, in the end, He condemns most to hell, even though He knew the outcome in advance? Would you send your own child to eternal hell? I know I wouldn’t, and it’s bizarre and cruel. Surely, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY either. Thank you.


Delphine Collins
Delphine Collins
Sep 23, 2021

How to Introduce Jesus

How to Introduce People to Jesus Think about this: Every time you go in the streets to evangelize, every time you hand out flyers - people are saved! Each time you go they are saved! Each time you go in the streets, the Lord accompanies you! When people get saved, if your spiritual eyes are opened you can see that the moment they accept Jesus, the devil departs and Jesus enter in and dwell in their heart. The Lord told us “I love the streets. I love it, when my children walk the streets and spread my love.” Are you a follower of Jesus? If yes, it is your duty to introduce people to Jesus! “For everyone who…


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