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Just Say, "NO"

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Matthew 4:1-11

When the devil ask you to do something Just say, "NO" Two letters but powerful, powerful letters that send the devil back to hell!

In the time of Jesus, the Holy Spirit took Him to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. God allowed Jesus to go through 3 temptations. It is God's will to lead us into trials, so do not fight trials.

  1. Jesus fasted for 40 days and at the end of 40 days, He became hungry. When God tells you to fast, pray for His strength and guidance. In this way, you will defeat the flesh which does not like to fast. When you pray for your fast and prepare for it, you do not get hungry in the midst of it, hunger comes at the end of it. The fast with a strong desire to eat in the middle are the fasts we are doing on our own strength or we have not prayed for them. So remember to pray first and get guidance from the Holy Spirit. At the end of His 40 days fast, Jesus got hungry but not during the fast. The devil told Jesus to do a miracle for him, to turn the stones into bread. satan tempted Jesus to break His fast prematurely. satan tempted Jesus to obey the him and Jesus defeated him at every angle, but what were the weapons Jesus used to defeat the devil in temptation 1? A. THE WORD: It is written... B. NO - Jesus said NO in His words, and Jesus said NO in His actions.

  2. God allowed Jesus to go through temptation number 2, to be taken to the pinnacle of the temple and the devil twisted the scriptures and asked him to "Jump..." What are the weapons Jesus used to defeat the devil? A. THE WORD: It is written... B. NO: Jesus said NO in His words, and Jesus said NO in His actions.

  3. The devil tempted the Lord with temptation number 3: the world, by offering Him the world and making Him famous and possessor of the world (which by the way He created!) What were the weapons Jesus used to defeat the devil? A. THE WORD: It is written... B. NO: Jesus said NO in His words, and Jesus said NO in His actions.

While many of us know about the Word of God and use it, the Lord reminded me that there is one small yet powerful weapon we must remember to use. It is a word that is only made of two letters. It is a weapon that we neglect to use often yet is a powerful weapon. The Lord said from today forward, use that weapon which is, "NO"

When the devil asks you to do something, say NO in your mind and say NO with your action. When temptation comes your way, instead of giving in easily, say NO in your mind, say NO with your action.

There is already much victory when you think in your mind, "NO!" As you say NO, right away to the enemy loses half of his strength. Even as you say NO again, the enemy will be so weak but he will gather his little strength again and weakly say, "do this for me". Say NO the third time and you will watch the enemy fleeing and losing in that battle. Saying NO is fleeing temptations.

3 times, the devil tempted the Lord to sin; 3 times, the Lord said NO to him. By the third time, the NO has completely ravaged the enemy to the point the Bible says, "Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him." (Matthew 4:11).

Say NO to the devil Say NO to the flesh Say NO to addiction Say NO to sin In your thoughts, in your mind say NO and remember to say NO in your action. You will watch the enemy fall from heaven like lightning. The Holy Spirit reminded me,

"BUT, remember to say YES To God. We MUST ALWAYS “YES” and "AMEN" to our Lord."



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