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Meet the Real Jesus

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Jesus encounters intro:

Our church started praying every night during the season of Rosh Hashanah 2009. Ever since then, our church meet nightly for powerful prayers and revival services. From that day on, an open heaven began over our church ... But in 2013, 12 faithful prayer warriors who met at the church had a deep encounter from the Lord that was unlike others. It all began when the youngest prayer warrior in our midst - a teenage at the time fell deeply in love with Jesus after undergoing through a powerful deliverance in which she received the gift of speaking in tongues and many other gifts from the Lord. Though she was taking summer school, she committed to wake up very early and spend 2 hours with the Lord in prayer before going to school. As she started attending nightly corporate prayers at the church, Jesus first manifested Himself to her, took her to the throne room in heaven, giving her a message for the church and all the members. From then on, Jesus started coming every night in His manifest presence and spoke to all of us sometimes as a group or one on one. The Lord took us to heaven and hell every night and shared with us great and mighty things. He kindly spoke to us and trained us for a period of over one year. Here is the summary of those encounters, details will be shared in books to be written soon – Hope this bless you and bring you closer to Jesus! ~ BHF

What Jesus do you know and how did you meet Him? Have you met yet THE REAL JESUS – The One who created you; painted each and every person?  "All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." (John 1:3)

Jesus who deeply loves you no matter your race, gender, social status or past sin? Do you know the Man who weeps for His children, carries them through their trials, catches and wipes their tears of pain, loneliness and sorrow and holds them tight and will not let them go? Have you met yet the Father who protects; the Shepherd who guides; the only God who laid down His life for mankind, slammed the gates of hell and opened the gates of heaven for you?

Do you know the Jesus who jokes, is playful; Giver of peace, love and joy? Do you know the man who is intimate, dances with His bride and marries her? The One who falls in love with you each day! This is the REAL JESUS, the God of the universe - Your Creator! He is the only hope for humanity, yet rejected by most. He says to you, “TODAY, I want you to meet ME!” And if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart.

How Jesus Loves: Often times, we love people because they are nice and friendly to us. We love them because they treat us right or because of the benefits we receive from them. But the love Jesus has for you does not depend on any of that. Jesus loves you regardless of your race, gender, appearance, social status, past sin etc.... Jesus' love is pure and has no other interest other than to love, deliver and rescue. It is a love that seeks the good of of others regardless of the price it has to pay. It is a love that cares more for others than for self. It is a love that does not seek its own but e love that gives up own comfort so that others may be comforted; the love that chooses to die so that others can live. The love that gives up all things to save others – regardless of how heavy the price might be.

The love Jesus has for you is deeper than any ocean; wider than any sky, and bigger than the universe. It is Love without limit! – Jesus said “It is so deep, you cannot rub your mind around it.”

Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made, Were every stalk on earth a quill, And every man a scribe by trade; To write the love of God above Would drain the ocean dry; Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky ~ The Love of God by Frederick Lehman

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).

A friend like that you must have. Believing in Jesus is the only way to get into heaven. "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).

1 comentario

Delphine Collins
Delphine Collins
23 sept 2021

Meet the Real Jesus

Jesus encounters intro: Our church started praying every night during the season of Rosh Hashanah 2009. Ever since then, our church meet nightly for powerful prayers and revival services. From that day on, an open heaven began over our church ... But in 2013, 12 faithful prayer warriors who met at the church had a deep encounter from the Lord that was unlike others. It all began when the youngest prayer warrior in our midst - a teenage at the time fell deeply in love with Jesus after undergoing through a powerful deliverance in which she received the gift of speaking in tongues and many other gifts from the Lord. Though she was taking summer school,…

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