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Mighty Moves of God in the Philippines: Holy Spirit & Fire Outpourings!

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Updated: Aug 25, 2019

In July 2019, Blazing Holy Fire Ministries held powerful revivals in Manila, Samar, Mindoro, Quezon and Laguna. The following is our report by Pastor Jessy, Pastor of the Blazing Holy Fire Ministries in Asia.


The Philippines is among the nations promised to experience the greatest revivals before the coming of Christ! The final harvest has already begun. In this testimony, you will hear about the moves of God in preparing His Church for the greatest revival the world is yet to see! 


In the year 2016, the Lord gave me strong prophetic words about the final harvest of souls in the continent of Asia. In His Word, He said, “I have set aside people...for My Purpose. They shall rise up like an army of dry bones to work in the final harvest of souls... It will start with the youth...” 

Youth Conference, Las Piñas, Manila

For all the years of our ministries at the Blazing Holy Fire Asia, we have witnessed the Lord’s mighty moves among the youth. We have witnessed Him resurrecting the youth who were like dry bones living in the shadow of death, bound in chains of addictions and caught in the grip of the devil. We have witnessed Him setting these youth ablaze for Him and using them to accomplish mighty works in advancing His Kingdom. Through the power of God, today we are raising up armies of youth who daily stand up for Jesus, contend for the Kingdom, wage warfares in the spirit on their knees, go out to evangelize, and plunder Hell to populate Heaven. This is just the beginning of the greatest harvest!


I felt I am the most blessed pastor on earth. When I looked around, all I saw were hungry hearts... Being the most blessed pastor is not about having riches but being surrounded by people Jesus loves, who love Him with all their hearts and souls! 

I am also blessed - blessed to have local fiery churches joining me in His cause and sharing the same burdens and passion for the Lord. Together we move in the same bond of love and unity. 

I was privileged to be invited to minister alongside a mission church, JHGMC, in the Philippines. On July 13, a youth conference was organized in Samar. Five local churches came together and put together the conference under the theme “Holy Spirit & Holy Fire”. About over two hundred youth were present, each coming from different church backgrounds but together were united to receive more outpourings from Jesus. 

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit & Fire in Samar

The Lord used each speaker to usher the youth into repentance and cleansing (forsaking the world and its unrighteousness). The youth in the audience were cut in the hearts. Many were deleting ungodly music and videos on their phones while listening to the Spirit-filled convicting sermons. When the altar call was made after each session, many came forward and the Spirit of the Living God moved in our midst. The Holy atmosphere invaded the hall. As the ministers were laying hands on the youth, the touch of God fell upon all of them. Deliverances took place in our midst, along with Fire baptisms, and countless mighty spiritual breakthroughs.

The Fire of Elijah took over my spirit as I stood at the pulpit. As I was preaching, the strong fire was being poured out along with convicting prophetic words from the Throne of God. When the final altar call was made, many came forward to receive the Holy Spirit, Fire baptism, spiritual gifts, and deliverances. 

The Lord Himself was standing in our midst. His Presence was so tangible that even the ministers and myself were filled with holy reverence and awe. That day, nobody left the venue untouched, no heart left unchanged... by the power of the Living God!

Another outpouring took place in Manila where I was invited to speak to the youth. Holy conviction fell upon the youth as the Lord was using me to preach prophetically. He Himself was dictating the preaching word by word! Many youth came forward to receive the Holy Spirit and Fire baptisms. The Lord did mighty things in our midst! 

Holy Spirit Baptisms, Healings, and Deliverances in Samar


In one of the churches, we had a Sunday service from 2 PM in the afternoon until 9 PM at night! The church was located in a poor slum area. Its 'sanctuary' was so tiny that all of us could barely spread our arms while worshipping! We started the service with a powerful worship. It was led by the youth who sang their hearts and souls unto Jesus with tears running down their faces. We were jumping up and down in the joy of the Lord in the tiny room, worshipping in the strong Presence of the Lord.

When it was the time to preach, the Lord stood with me as I was delivering the teachings. Holy fear and convictions fell upon the church and several times I had to stop the preaching because we were all weeping under His convictions! After the preaching, the congregation begged me not to depart but to lead a night prayer until 9 PM. We all prayed powerfully in the strong power of the Holy Spirit till the floor shook! The Fire of God took over the entire place! Many received a personal visitation while praying in the Spirit.

In another service in Samar, the strong power of God came upon us as I was introducing the church to meet the Real Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Many came from Catholic and other traditional backgrounds. As the altar call was made, many came forward to receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Mighty deliverances and manifestations of the power of God took place and we could barely contain it!


The Lord desired that the people not only received His power but also learned how to walk with Him in order to grow into full maturity. It is one thing to receive the gifts and visitations, but to mature in the Spirit and maintain the gifts are even more important. 

The Lord used us to train the youth how to pray in the Spirit, wage spiritual warfares, exercise spiritual gifts, and discern spiritual things. Every night we held powerful hours of prayers in which people learned how to pray in the Spirit. Mighty things took place in our midst, including countless deliverances. While praying powerfully in the Spirit, many youth were experiencing powerful self deliverances. Those who were from witchcraft and idolatry backgrounds received freedom! No demon in our midst could stand the strong fire that came down during such Spirit-filled prayers!! They had to quickly depart and would never return again! The Church must learn to walk as overcomers and plunder Hell for a living!

Walking in the supernatural also requires complete holiness. Gifts of the spirit must be contained in holy vessels. The Lord worked in the hearts of many youth among us. Many came forward to renounce sins - including sinful relationships. The Lord delivered the youth from their bondages and gave them a brand-new start! If you want to be His vessel to be used for mighty works, you must be pure and holy! 


The Church has never been called to sit at home in a comfortable couch while the world is perishing. God called us to “Go”, so we must “Go”! In the Philippines, our Jesus’ team labored night and day, day and night, preaching the Gospel in the highways and the byways - in remote areas, in a prison, in buses, on the boats, wherever a human could be found. We were met by hungry souls. Countless people accepted the Lord!!

Ministry is about people. That is where Jesus’ Heart is. 

Ministry is not when we stand in front of the crowd. If we are God's ministers, we should not wait to minister when someone gives us a microphone or a speaking invitation. Our invitation to minister is not from man. The invitation is written in the Bible - "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel!" This is our job! Our job is to go out and be Jesus everywhere!! 

God's Love made manifested in the prison in Mindoro

Sharing Christ to passengers in a large ship which was taking us to Mindoro


Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. (Acts 4:32)

Unlike in the West where churches are well equipped physically and members have the luxury to drive to churches, sit in nice air-conditioned sanctuaries, etc... Here in the Philippines, we all used the church carpet-less floor as our shared bedroom. We would spread some bedsheets, put some pillows, and slept on the floor with 2 small fans in the 80 degree weather. There is no difference in net worth, nationalities, or church positions. Like the believers in the Book of Acts, we shared all things in common with love and humility. The bond of brotherhood and sisterhood was amazing... selfishness was unwelcome and had no place in the fellowship of the brethren. None of us cared to build our own kingdoms or fame... We all pursued one common cause - His Kingdom. 


I personally experienced supernatural strength throughout the mission. For the first 2 weeks, I slept only 2-4 hours a night. Our team would labor the entire day from morning till the following day’s morning. The Lord had granted me the supernatural physical strength so I never felt tired for a minute! Even though we went to many places during the day to minister to people and held powerful prayer meetings at night, and often times followed by counseling and deliverances till after midnight, I had the energy of a 4-year-old child 24/7! 

I also would like to give special thanks to the beloved pastors and brethren for yielding themselves for the Lord’s service day and night. Together we have accomplished mighty things for the Kingdom! 


He is not only raising up an army, but an army of Warrior Brides

After 18 days into the mission, going through so much toils, warfares, as well as countless victories upon victories, on the final night, the Lord showed up in our midst as the Bridegroom King!

During the time of our nightly prayers, He instructed me to not lead the brethren into spiritual warfare prayers the way I usually did. Instead, He wanted us to spend the hours with Him as the Bride and the Bridegroom. 

The Lord had me read the marriage covenants between me and Him which were made on Rosh Hashanah in 2017 and 2018. As the words were being read, the atmosphere of Holy Love and intimacy filled the room and we all started to weep. 

We spent almost an hour in deep intimate worship and prayers. All of us were weeping and pouring out our hearts to the Lord who was standing in our midst. After the prayers, the Lord instructed each of us to write a love letter to Him. All of us then wrote a love letter to the Bridegroom King while tears were continuously rolling down our cheeks. Even the men in our midst were weeping so much! Our hearts were broken unto the Lord and we couldn’t contain the love!! 

The Lord had us read the letter to Him. As one read, the rest were weeping and crying because our hearts could barely contain the deep love! 

By the time it was around 2 A.M. in the morning, none of us felt like going to bed because the Lord was in our midst. Many stayed back even after we had closed to linger in His Presence and continue to pour out their hearts to the Bridegroom King.


This is the revival. 

Revival is not when someone lays hand on you and you are touched. Revival is not a mere manifestation of healings and miracles. A true revival is a change of heart - a heart that turns from sins and becomes fully committed to the Lord and will forever yield itself to Him!! 

The Lord is coming for the youth! He will pour out His Spirit in their midst and draw them to the deeper depth of walking with Him. There they will experience the fire, power, gifts... but something even beyond, that is to walk with the Almighty God Himself.

Water baptism in Laguna, Philippines


I would like to end my testimony by sharing an excerpt of the Words from the Lord in 2016 concerning the youth. The Lord gave the Words with much tears rolling down His beautiful Face. This is a call to you and I: 

"Why did they give up on My youth? Why did they give up on My youth? These are the people I died for and shed Blood for. Why did they give up on My youth? Why did they give up on My youth? Why did they give up on the people I have laid down my life for? Oh, My Heart is bleeding! I, the King who is enthroned above the heavens, with My outstretched Arm, I'm going to rescue these youth out from the darkness, out from addictions, out from depression. Oh, how my Heart is breaking for them! How I'm crying because they have neglected them! So arise, Jessy, I have clothed you with the power of the Most High! You are the worker in the final harvest, in the end time. You carry the Name of the Lord your God, Jesus, and go out! I'm giving you the tools to rescue the youth. I'm giving you the power. You will be like Aaron who spoke for me. You will do signs and wonders like Moses. I, the Lord God, will be with you. My scepter will be with you. You shall open the door and enter into satan's den and proclaim the Name of the Lord your God. Well done! I'm the King Jesus, the King who walked this earth...the King who has starved Himself and sacrificed everything He had...the King who walked barefoot...the King who has laid down everything for you...the King who shed His Blood...the nail-pierced Hand...the holes in my Hands are pouring out My Blood to save the nations. The youth shall rise up and proclaim my Name and bring my banner. (vision: I'm seeing Thai flag...being waved over..and people came to the King...the  army of Light.) I have called you, my child. You work for me. I put My Word in your mouth like I did to Jeremiah. Don't say you are a youth. I have given you a great power. Be humble before Me that you will not fall. I love you, my child. I will be with you now even till the end of the earth...this is your God who is speaking."

The final harvest is ready! Are you ready? 

God bless you!

In His Love,


Pastor, The Blazing Holy Fire Asia Ministries

Partner with BHF Asia Ministries: Send Us Love Gifts

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Delphine Collins
Delphine Collins
Sep 23, 2021

Mighty Moves of God in the Philippines: Holy Spirit & Fire Outpourings!

Updated: Aug 25, 2019

In July 2019, Blazing Holy Fire Ministries held powerful revivals in Manila, Samar, Mindoro, Quezon and Laguna. The following is our report by Pastor Jessy, Pastor of the Blazing Holy Fire Ministries in Asia. THE PROPHECY REGARDING ASIA The Philippines is among the nations promised to experience the greatest revivals before the coming of Christ! The final harvest has already begun. In this testimony, you will hear about the moves of God in preparing His Church for the greatest revival the world is yet to see! “IT WILL START WITH THE YOUTH.” In the year 2016, the Lord gave me strong prophetic words about the final harvest…


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