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Writer's pictureThe Blazing Holy Fire

Million Miracles

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Here at Blazing Holy Fire Ministries, USA, there have been miracles in every way we turn. We would love to share with you a glimpse of what God has been doing in our midst. We hope these will encourage you and that you know your giving is taking many into the Kingdom of heaven.


JESUS: "Think of your future rewards! Think of Eternity and how your giving builds you treasure in heaven! To those who give to My ministry that is daily bringing Me souls, I will protect you! I will deliver you through this ministry! I will bless you, great shall be your rewards!" PR COLEMAN: "Donate cheerfully and willingly. Together, Let's Save Souls! To those who give any amount, I will connect with you and pray with you over the phone or other appropriate means. Thank you and God bless you!"


[August 2021]: A mother who was separated from her children came to church. Her heart was broken from this separation and her world was falling apart all around her. She had been in jail for many wrongdoings. Upon coming to church, the mother responded to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, repented of her wrongdoings, and committed her life to the Lord. She received deliverance and was filled with the Holy Spirit instantly. This mother began to attend corporate prayers faithfully, beginning to read the Bible, and having personal time of prayer. Today, we are pleased to report that she is a brand new person whom God has forgiven. God also began to move on her behalf and answered her prayers. As this testimony is being written, the process to reunite her with her children has begun and the mother is moving forward in the right path! For this life changed and transformed, we give praise and thanksgiving to God.


A former member contacted us requesting prayer:

[September 3rd, 2021]“Hi Pastor- I am asking for a prayer tonight. My husband and I have COVID, but I'm pretty much recovered. My husband has a fever he can not shake. I've been taking his temperature every hour, and he has told me to stop taking his temperature tonight, that he needs to let the fever go and fight the coronavirus. I am concerned about brain damage, since we will not be taking his temp through the night. My dear prayer warrior, would you please pray for his brain's safety and breaking of the fever tonight? Thank you so much, friend.”

Her Response After We Have Prayed, the Next Day…

“Praise report!!!!!! My husband has improved throughout the day! This morning he asked for breakfast, for the first time in days. By 3pm, he was under 100 degrees and still holding!!!!!!! He is visibly improving, and will need several days of recuperation since he hasn't slept in nearly a week. I am clear that God did this through you. You are a miracle. Thank you, my sister!”


[September 26, 2021] New Youth members came to our church and the night they did, they all gave their lives to the Lord and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. It was a special night for them when for the first time they testified about having found true joy. When they all got in the car on the way home, the first thing they said to the aunt who had brought them was, “could you please take us tomorrow?” These young people are now on fire for the Lord and they have found a purpose for their lives. Please join us in praying for them to continually walk with the Lord and to be His witnesses to the end of the world.


[September 25, 2021] Reported by BHF Prayer Warriors: “My mom and I were driving from the gas station to the local grocery store, across the street. While driving from one destination to another, we saw a man who was riding a bike. Then, suddenly, we saw him bang his head up against a huge trailer hitch from a construction trailer, 5-6 feet off the ground. This mans’ body instantly flew to the ground and his head began bleeding profusely. My mom barely had a chance to stop the car before I ran to go to this man. Another gentleman ran over around the same time to come assist. Later we found out he saw me running that caused him to run to the scene. My mom called 911, and the gentleman that came to the scene took a shirt off his back and wrapped it around the wounded man to stop the bleeding. I asked the wounded gentleman if I could pray for him. He agreed. I placed my hand upon his head and we all prayed. A minute or so later this once wounded gentleman was walking around and TALKING! He was about to take off on his bike, but we tried to stop him since the ambulance was on its way to look at him. The gentleman who ran to the scene got the once wounded a clean shirt and put water on it to clean up the bleeding.

We noticed that THE BLEEDING HAD STOPPED COMPLETELY!! JEFF WAS COMPLETELY CONSCIOUS, WALKING AROUND, ALERT, and he felt “good”. I asked a couple times and each time he said “I’m good, I’m good”. The ambulance has come and is looking at him, there is no physical way this man should be walking and talking... but he is... BECAUSE OF JESUS!!”

The mother of the prayer warrior who prayed for man, testifies:

I must testify to this. He hit his head so hard into that metal hitch, blood flew in all directions on impact and his body hit the ground . . . As I was on the phone with 911 I couldn’t comprehend how the blood had stopped gushing and he was not only off the ground but walking and talking. I didn’t know that my daughter had prayed for Him. Then it all made sense. She prayed. I’m still shaking from what I saw and am in complete awe of him.”

God you are so glorious! So glorious!


As we do every year, on Yom Kippur, our BHF churches fasted for 24 hours. God had plans that no one was expecting.

During prayer on Yom Kippur, one of our prayer warriors was taken by the Lord into hell for us to know that hell is not a myth but real and to feel the agonies of those who are there so that we do what we must do to save the lost.

Those who were in the building were watching hell live – it is like you have a glimpse of what goes on there. As the youth who were present watched, all the youth present surrendered their lives to Jesus, they repented and began to cry tears of repentance. This was a very special night that has changed our lives forever. It has been almost a month since Yom Kippur 2021, and our youth has changed. They are praying without being told to pray, they are witnessing and volunteering in the community doing good without anyone requesting them to.

Days after Yom Kippur, miracles and healings continued to take place in our midst. Friends and families and the youth began running into the Kingdom. A dear cousin who did not believe he began joining over the phone for prayer sessions and has not ceased since then. He received the Lord God Almighty, has changed his ways, and does not look like the man everyone knew him to be before. Even from joining states away, this man has been touched by God and has become a born again Christian! Praying every night without stopping! His eyes are opened to the goodness of God and the tactic of the devil that are surrounding all of us.

A week or so following, more members of their biological family began running to the church. Most of these people are the youth. The first night of their coming to church, in person, the Lord touched them. Ten students gave their lives to Christ!! Telling their older sister that they took them, they were very adamant about coming back again because it was "so fun!". Our church is not boring, when we come together for prayer, it is like going to a party. It is a celebration. We dance before the Lord, we worship and praise Him with all our heart. We are experiencing the great joy of the Lord, though we go through so much warfare, for us, the Lord has allowed us to experience a little bit of heaven while

yet on earth.

JESUS: "Think of your future rewards! Think of Eternity and how your giving builds you treasure in heaven! To those who give to My ministry, I will protect you! I will deliver you through this ministry! I will bless you, great shall be your rewards!" PR COLEMAN: "Donate. Together, Let's Save Souls! To those who give any amount, I will connect with you and pray over you over the phone or other appropriate means. Thank you and God bless you!"

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