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Behold the Glory of God: Praise Report from New Year 2019 Revival

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Testimonies From Our 2019 Revival!


Pre-Revival Prayer: Our meeting is to start 6pm. Prayer warriors are inside the sanctuary 5pm for pre-revival prayer! There is God's holy fire every where - we feel it. Even before we start prayer, the entire place, from the carpet all the way to the ceiling is engulfed in God's holy fire. Then the prayer warriors on their knees, with hands raised up, start crying out to God: God Almighty, show us your glory! The Lord does not resist such desperate calls! He comes in all His manifested presence and the heavens began to open upon us... Read details below...

Worship & The Word: The atmosphere is charged up with God's glory! Heaven opened upon the whole building. The entire ceiling of the building was opened. Very bright brillant light began to shine upon us but espeically upon the pasotr as she shares the word. Within the light, the Lord was sitting on His mighty large throne.

MINISTRY & FIRE IMPARTATION: Many large wrapped gifts were ready to be presented to all the attendees by the Holy Spirit. The Lord hands a mighty sword to one of the prayer warrior to give to two sisters. One sister fell under the power of God as she received this mighty sword. From then on, this sister's life would never be the same. Today, two weeks later after the revival, the sister testified that she has won a battle of mind she had of 26 years!

Each night, all were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. Each night all were baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire. After the first revival which ended about midnight, one member of our church received many blessings from the Lord. When she went home, though she was sleeping, her spirit kept praying in tongues. She texted us, "It is funny that my husband recorded me speaking in tongues when I was in bed sleeping. I was very sleepy but kept speaking in tongues for almost 45 minutes". This member brought the recorder and we heard the beautiful sound from her spirit. It is the most beautiful thing ever! This became God’s witness to her husband and the following day, her entire household came to our revival and the Lord touched them mightily.Ever since this revival, the Lord has restored to this sister, the gift of having dreams. Her entire family was touched and her daughter's spiritual sight opened and is today on fire for Jesus! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Amen!


"During the worship. while the song 'Show Us Your Glory' played, I saw in the spirit and there was the glorious presence of the Lord (Exodus 33:18).The entire worship room was charged with His glory and filled with white smoke" Revelations 15:8. There were Holy Spirit and Fire baptisms, spiritual gift impartations, prophecies, visions, deliverances, healings and God's encounters!"

Behold The Glory of God!

During the 4 nights, He spoke through Pastor Christine Coleman about beholding His glory the way Moses and Jesus’ apostles did in Matthew 17 and taught us how to prepare to meet God and His plans to bring us to the place where we behold His glory. 

The promise to behold His glory began to manifest in our midst from the first night of the revival and continues to manifest even till present! People who never received visions before began to see; people who never heard cleary God speaking received messages from God’s throne and healings, and Heavenly impartations and gifts!

Our dear sister who spoke in tongues while sleeping had been praying for her family to fall in love with Jesus for a long time. She also prayed and cried many times that her family  could come to BHF revival. God answered her prayers and her entire family came on the second day of the revival. They all received a turnaround from the Lord. Both her daughter and husband received the Holy Spirit and fire and their spiritual eyes to behold God opened. As I write this report, last night the entire family came to our nightly prayer. The husband was taken to the throne room where he saw for the first time great and mighty things. Her daughter also received a mighty visitation from the Lord while in our midst last night. Every night, the Lord did amazing things in our midst!

Crossing Into The Year of Glory

On December 31, we held an all-night service until 4 A.M. on January 1. We had much joy and celebration in the Presence of God and under the atmosphere of Heaven. The Lord Jesus Himself ushered us into the new year in a powerful way.

A prayer warrior shared a testimony: “The Lord has been preparing my heart to enter the new year. He has been teaching me about how to prepare to meet Him through my personal time with Him during the past few months and through Pastor’s messages. As we were counting down to midnight, I was on my knees in the Presence of God and immediately when the clock ticked midnight, something broke off from me and I felt a new strength from God has entered me! The Lord gave me the new strength like that of an eagle! I won a battle of mind that I had for the past 26 years of my life!

Pastor Christine Coleman gave a prophetic message concerning the year 2019. The entire new year will be a year of beholding His glory! Those who are prepared will meet the Lord and have mighty spiritual encounters. This year will also be a year closer to the End Times - there will be more persecutions in many nations and signs of the real birth pangs. Now that you have read how God is moving in our midst, do not miss our next revival which will be on:

June 6-9, 2019:  Shavuot - Pentecostal Holy Fire Revival. Details coming soon! September 26-29, 2019: Rosh Hashanah Revival. Details coming soon!



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Revival Services: Sundays @7PM | Location: 9250 E. Belleview Av. Greenwoord Village, CO 80111
Mailing Address: Blazing Holy Fire 10940 S Parker Rd. #785 Parker, CO 80134-7440

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