“And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us.” 1 John 5:14
Before you pray for something, make sure it is the will of God. We should never desire to pray a prayer that is contrary to the will of God. The will of God is that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2). Is it agreeable in the sight of God? Will this advance the Kingdom of God? Will this glorify God or not?
The will of God will be made known to you as you renew your mind with His word and as you pray. It is a heart consciousness. Often times, knowing the will of God is a process – it is not always an automatic thing to know the will of God especially for new believers. In the beginning, do not worry if you do not know what the will of God is. When you do not know, just pray and keep praying. Your prayers disperse the dark clouds that hide the will of God and as you pray, it will clear and the will of God will be made known to you. As you seek Him, as you follow Him, He will make it known to you.
When God reveals His will to you, you must believe and only believe.
Your prayer must be united with your faith. Do not say a prayer while what the lips says is contrary to what you believe in your heart. Jesus spoke to the centurion and said, “Go; it shall be done for you as you have believed.” Matthew 8:13

As you pray, what do you believe in your heart of heart? Often times as you search your heart, you will find that you believe for it to be the will of God. Then you must hold unto that, bring it forth, stand firm, shut the doors of doubt. Is anything impossible with God? God who parted the red sea? God who made a way where there was no way? God who made the whole world with the Word of His mouth! God who never lies, God who has been there always for you, why would you doubt Him?
“It shall be done as you have believed.” What are you believing for God today? In your heart of heart, do you believe? Examine yourself and always believe for the good report; always believe for the answer for what you prayed for; always believe for the solution – stop figuring out all the details, when God answers you, it will always amaze you. It will be a surprise and the way He does it will be a new way.
Believe in God! Trust in God – United what you say with that which you believe in your heart of hearts. God does not disappoint His children. Even if it takes longer, God will do it. Faith has no time, do not give up just because it has taken too long, persevere in your faith to the very end.
Even though the centurion had faith, nothing happened until He went to God and prayed to Him. Even with His great faith; until He came to Jesus and let Him know his request, the miracle did not take place. Even today, with your great faith, it is to make your request known to God through prayer. Do not keep your prayers and wishes in your heart. Come to Jesus. Boldly, out loud, make your request known to Him and believe Him with all your heart.
THE FOLLOWING WILL HELP YOU TO HAVE GREAT FAITH: a) Knowing God: You get to know God by abiding in His word (reading and acting upon the word). You get to know God by spending time with Him, talking to Him and listening to Him. With confidence and faith, pray and believe. Where faith is found, there will always be miracles!
(to be continued)
