Mission report from The Blazing Holy Fire's Associate Pastor, Pastor Jessy from The Blazing Holy Fire Ministries, Asia.
May, 2019
"I remember my beloved Pastor of our little but powerful Church once told me, "I am the most blessed Pastor." Now I know why...
I may not be a minister to a multitude, may not be known, may not be somebody. But the moment I looked around and saw the hungry hearts of God's redeemed children around me - the hearts that are willing to trade their lives for God's Kingdom, willing to lose it all to gain Heaven... I realized I am the most blessed servant of God. I am so blessed... so blessed to have been given the privilege to love God's Precious gems... the very Apple of His Eye!
I was asked to travel to Mindoro, Philippines by a genuine-hearted servant of God to join his church in their anniversary celebration. God said "Yes". By faith, I packed my bags and headed out. All I knew was He who called would be faithful...
I was picked up from the Manila airport by a sister who traveled for half a day across the Philippines islands to pick me. I went to her family's home and was greeted by warm smiles and hot meals. Then the next day we traveled for 6 hours to Mindoro where I was received warmly by the host pastor.
The brethren from different parts of the nation traveled over night to join us. Most had slept not more than 3 hours and arrived at 5 AM on the same day of our meeting. All were filled with excitement for what the Lord would do and the Fire He would pour out in our midst. My heart melt as they laid down on plain hard floor to catch a bit of nap before we would head out to the celebration of God's faithfulness. I saw beyond... I saw hearts that longed for Him at all costs.
I felt so unworthy. Unworthy to stand before this crowd of beautiful hearted people.. But I knew God wanted to fulfill the purpose in their lives through this empty and broken vessel of His servant.

The moment I stood before the crowd, the Spirit of God came powerfully upon me. I totally lost my own control and God took over the stage. Every Word became like Fire that burnt and purified the hearts. There was a great shaking in the atmosphere as the Fire from God was being poured forth through the Spirit-filled preaching. There were great convictions in the House of God and hearts were forever changed by His Word.
The Lord called forth those in the house who wanted to receive His Spirit. Many came forward including little children. Even the little children received the HolySpirit and wept uncontrollably with tears rolling down their little cheeks! Then He called forth the youth who wanted His Fire baptism. The youth came forward and received mighty touch from the Lord! Many also received spiritual gifts including Holy Spirit's dance.
As if our 3 hours of sleep were but a number, many decided to stay up that night to pray and seek God's Heart. The room was invaded by Heaven as we cried out to Jesus in Spirit and in Truth! We all went to bed at 2 AM to wake up and prepare for the 9 AM Sunday service.

The Sunday service was held at the front of the pastor's house. The Holy Spirit invaded the place and many were caught up by His Love and knelt on the hard concrete ground pouring their worship of love to the Savior. In the West, churches were well carpeted but none knelt down due to their hardened, concrete-like hearts. Here we have soft hearts but hardened knees due to kneeling on rough concrete grounds worshiping God!
The Lord graced us with a powerful convicting message. Then the church lovingly prayed blessings over me and embraced me with much appreciation. Oh how beautiful it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

I was taken to visit a poor tribal hospital where patients stayed in hot hospital ward with no mattress on their wooden beds. There was no visitor aside from the flies that constantly roamed about each patient. The stench of human wastes was pretty present in the ward. The Lord empowered me to deliver a message of hope and love. He told them how He saw Himself in them and how much He loved and cared for them. All prayed to receive the Lord into their hearts and our team went over to pray for healings for all the patients.
Afterwards we went to celebrate life in the Mindoro sea where a few were baptized. We held hands and danced around in the sea for over half an hour with so much joy and happiness this world cannot buy!
My heart was overcome by joy over our plates of plain rice topped with canned tuna. There was no place I would rather be than to be in His House - we are His House!
This is the life the world cannot buy. This is the joy no man can offer. This is the eternity Jesus came to die for...
I love you all." - Jessy

Revivals in the Philippines Continue!
Mission report from The Blazing Holy Fire's Associate Pastor, Pastor Jessy from The Blazing Holy Fire Ministries, Asia. May, 2019 "I remember my beloved Pastor of our little but powerful Church once told me, "I am the most blessed Pastor." Now I know why... I may not be a minister to a multitude, may not be known, may not be somebody. But the moment I looked around and saw the hungry hearts of God's redeemed children around me - the hearts that are willing to trade their lives for God's Kingdom, willing to lose it all to gain Heaven... I realized I am the most blessed servant of God. I am so blessed... so blessed to have…