We are a team of Holy Warriors – A Jesus Army! Prayer is what we do! We all understand that the prayer of the righteous accomplish much. As BHF Snipers Prayer Warriors, we constantly release nuclear bombs of God’s consuming fire into the camp of the enemy in Jesus name. We blow up and damage every evil agenda of the devil against humanity, in our nations and all over the world. Through powerful prayers, we are in touch with the Living God and through prayer we have seen great mighty miracles. Here we share with you what the Lord has done within the last few days! Take courage, Jesus is the winner – No matter what it is you are facing, Jesus is the winner and through Him you have victory!
Testimony #1: Your Prayers Raised Me from the Dead ~ Assoumpta, February 27, 2018
Our sister Assoumpta became very sick in November 2017. She was smitten by severe malaria and later on fell into depression and into a deep spiritual warfare. She fell into a state where she could not talk, hear or do anything on her own. I was traveling at the time and unable to do anything for her but God reminded me of the power of prayer. I then sent my prayer requests to our Blazing Holy Fire’s Christ Snipers Warriors – a 24x7 prayer warriors team. Together, we began to pray constantly for Assoumpta.
Our group leader encouraged us to pray one day, “Greetings Spiritual Warfare Attack Team. Praise God for another day of life. I just got off duty. As I was praying the Lord reminded me that I called our prayer mission Operation No Mercy. We are not going to have any mercy especially on evil spirits that manifest themselves in our lives or in the lives of our family members. The Lord reminded me how Satan enjoys striking family members when we are doing His work. Warrior Snipers it's not a coincidence that Pastor Christine's sister is in hospital weak with malaria. The word from the Lord is that tonight during prayer we must move in for the kill. When we gather tonight BHF Denver and Michigan and the rest of the snipers scattered in different places. Let's spend an hour just like we did on Wednesday praying for sister Assy. The weapon on the list. The blood of Jesus. The Lord said we should call out every item in her hospital bed and dip it in the blood of Jesus. We should seal the portals that the spirits of infirmity traveled in with the blood of Jesus. Snipers we are going to rebuke the devourer until he flees. Sister Assy must get ready to leave that hospital. We are not to put up with Satans works no more. I am going to text Pastor to tell sister to get ready for a miracle. We are not just warriors but warrior snipers. We choose our target then we strike. In Jesus name when we strike we never miss. Snipers Attack Attack Attack.” The Lord gave us a word that she will be healed and we believed at the same time continuing to pray!
The more we prayed however, the worse it got. The Lord told us to continue to pray and only look upto Him. A month later, I was given a report that Assoumpta had lost over 50 pounds and that her well being state was deteriorating. She was in a place where she had very poor medical care. Through prayer, the Lord provided medical treatment. The Lord reminded me of the promises He had spoken over Assoumpta in a face to face encounters in 2013. The Lord had told me how He will use her mightily and I began to call her over the phone but at this time, she could no longer talk nor hear clearly. I spoke those words of promises into her ears, and into her soul and spirit over and over again. We proclaimed healing scriptures over her though she could not physically hear.
The Lord told us to intervene and move her to another location. At this time, it had been over 3 months since she was sick. She was so weak and unable to walk, it seemed impossible to fly her and after much prayer, she took a bus and traveled to another country where one of our sister lives. Our only prayer on the day she traveled was, “Oh Lord our God, please let her make it to our other sister safely” – we knew from there that things will change. The night Assoumpta was traveling, I was on my knees in all night prayer when all of sudden, I received a message from a long distance sister in Christ, with whom I have not communicated in over a year! “Hello Pastor Christine. Happy new. I pray everything is going well. I was in prayer this morning and I had a vision where I saw a tragic event happen to someone close to you. Like a relative. It seemed as though it was a female like a sister. Please pray and cancel sudden death or calamity that the enemy is orchestrating against any of your loved one. I believe the Holy Spirit wants me to also stand in a gap for this situation. Because i was not praying specifically for you when this vision came to me.” This was right on, we prayed against death and finally our sister made her journey safe to my elder sister, in a place where we can do deliverance and take care of her.
Through the powerful prayer of deliverance in Jesus name, loving care by family members, my sister was set free. For the first time this week, she was able to send me an SMS and I told her, ‘you almost died’ – she gently corrected me and said, “Pastor, you are wrong! I was dead and your prayers brought me back to life! Now there must be really a reason why the Lord brought me back.” Glory, glory to God! Remember these words my friend, “And the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. The Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven”. James 5:16
Testimony #2: Mom Just Made it to Heaven
It is a testimony of our brother, one of the snippers warriors. His 87 years old mother was hospitalized in Columbia with pneumonia. The brother was asking for prayers for her, especially for her SALVATION as she had not received the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal savior though she was offered opportunities before, she would not do it. Our snippers warriors prayed and prayed. The situation got worse that our brother
had to fly to Columbia.
A few days in Colombia, the brother contacted us with good news, “Hi all, all my family is here now in Colombia from different parts of US, prospects for mom & sis are very bleak; my Christian sister (and the one in charge of everything here)told me that mom accepted Jesus and is ready to go and meet Him !! Hallelujah !!! She’s unable to talk anymore but my sister & I we recite psalms & sing hymns to her ear, please pray for my sister that’s deteriorating quickly and is a Jehovah Witness and doesn’t want to listen anything different, thank you brothers & sisters it’s a tough & joyful situation at the same time, you understand what I mean, thank you for your prayers (Almost in tears writing this).”
Last week as we were praying at the church, we begun to sing “When we all get to heaven…” when in the midst of the song, I received a message from our brother, “Mother just passed to the presence of The Lord”. One of our prayer leaders in the Philippines whose children’s spiritual eyes are opened and they are privileged to meet the Lord sent an email the next day confirming this good news – the mother had made it to heaven! “Hello dear brother..., I just want to share about the recent heaven experience of my 12yr old daughter. She saw your mom in heaven, she's young and beautiful and wearing all white. She is playing a musical instrument while worshiping with babies around her. She looks very happy. Hallelujah!
Also, after her last breath and before she was taken up to heaven, she touched your head first as she smiled. GOD bless you brother”
Testimony 3: A Lost Brother is Found
We received this prayer requests from the brother whose mother had just passed away in Columbia, “Brothers & sisters, I ask for your prayers for my brother William, he chose a life of living in the streets and since before the death of my mother we’re not being able to find him anywhere, many people and means of communication have been used to find him with no results! I Thank you all for your continued prayers.”
Daniel 2:22 the God who revealeth the deep and secret things. As we pray in the spirit for our brother, He shall reveal where William is! Be encouraged. Seek ye first the kingdom and ALL these things shall be added unto us.
A few days later we got the following message, “My brother William appeared “out of nowhere” Praise The Lord !!! Hallelujah !!! Thank you for all the prayers brothers & sisters. The big testimony here is that nobody went looking for him this time, no body found him, he came by himself, he was not in our City Capital Medelllín (Where many people were looking for him) but in another city far away. All the glory belongs to Jesus Christ !!!”
Prayer should not be the last door to knock at!
This was shared to encourage you my dear friend! Who said God no longer answer prayers? Who said prayer should be the last door to knock at! Before you do it, pray about it first – “You have not because you ask not”… James 4:3 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8