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The Battle & Victory On Halloween

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Oct. 31,2014

Praise the Lord for thousands of people who did not celebrate Halloween in 2014! You mighty warriors, watchmen on the wall, who heeded God’s calling and distributed those flyers door to door, by internet and by other means – you made the difference. “Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel, so you will hear a message from my mouth and give them warning from Me.” Ezekiel 33:7 Great will be your reward in heaven! – …” And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” Daniel 12:3

Praise Report from Blazing Holy Fire Church: There is Hope

Praise the Lord! He granted us great and mighty victories on October 31st and during the season of Halloween. We distributed the “No Halloween Flyers” especially going door to door. Some team members distributed at least 1,000 flyers each! As we started evangelizing with those flyers beginning from our neighborhoods, warfare became intense and real like I had never seen before. satan rose up and hit us from within and without, he did not want to be exposed, but God’s hand rested mightily upon us, protected and watched over us! Remember Jesus said “Warfare is coming but so will I.” “You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.” Matthew 5:10 (Msg) Thank you for all your prayers! Thank you for all the support we received from you. On one of those days when the warfare was intense, I heard the voice of the Lord speaking to me, telling me to look through the window. I did it and I was astonished to see that there was no Halloween decoration on homes on our street! The Lord wanted to give me hope! He told me to get out of my house and take a walk in our neighborhood. I did and I was astonished. It was just a few days before Halloween but I saw that in my neighborhood, over 100 homes had no single decoration of Halloween?!? I have lived here for over 4 years and I have never seen anything like this before! Hallelujah! The Lord said ‘Transformation. Is there anything too hard for Me? I am big! I am GOD! All I need is my people to stand strong in me and do what I ask them to do. The same thing I am doing in your neighborhood, I will do in every street where my people love me and welcome me!” Praise the Lord!

Praise Report from Africa (Anonymous Country)

A fellow believer who is a friend of the ministry wrote regarding ‘No Halloween Flyers!’ “I just did what I felt I should during the day and at night – I was led to do something the night before a scheduled Halloween party on our UN Camp here. I was confident about dropping the flyers and your article in the party/drinking area within the camp (I just dropped them an hour ago, like Gideon in the middle of the night here), so that those partying people drinking there can see the flyers.” This dear brother asked us to pray for him as this is something that was never done before on any UN camp anywhere in the world.

Praise Report from a Sister Church in WA

Friday night’s prayer meeting was a turning point for our prayer group. There was such a sense of strength and victory by the end of the night. We now know why the Lord told Lydia to call you and why the Lord wanted us to talk to you before the prayer vigil. When you told us about the warfare prayer that was to be done at midnight and how the Lord would reveal special battle strategies and weapons to the saints with their spiritual eyes opened, I honestly didn’t know whether Lydia’s gifting was at that place yet and really did not expect that to happen to us because we were not at the same place your church had come to. But His grace is sufficient and was abounding to us that night.

On the way to the prayer meeting, satan launched his first attack by almost causing a serious accident. A truck passed me on the right and almost forced me into the oncoming traffic when he came back into our lane. Praise the Lord I was being watchful and we avoided the accident. God is good!

Just before midnight, we began our warfare prayer shouting “THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL” seven times at the top of our lungs. Gideon put your “JESUS ARMY” graphic with the fire behind it on the projector and I felt a linking in the spirit realm. As everyone began to pray, Lydia immediately came to me and told me she saw the Lord give us two swords to use against the enemy. Because we had talked to you, we immediately knew what to do and directed the prayer warriors to start swing the swords against the enemy. Later, Rebekah told us that right before Lydia shared about the swords, she had felt inspired by the Spirit to use a sword against the enemy but was hesitant because of fear. After Lydia shared, she began to violently use the swords without hesitation.

About ten minutes later, the Lord showed Lydia a hand saw and that He wanted us to cut off the works of the enemy. Then just seconds after that, she saw it turn into a chain saw and the Lord wanted to accelerate the effectiveness of our prayers through our unity. I directed the warriors in the action of using a saw … We were all moving and making military sounds together in unity. If it had not been for our conversation the day before, I would not have known to do this. We thank the Lord for His perfect timing and that He is at work both to will and to do for His good pleasure. This really brought a stronger unity into our prayer group.   The rest of the night was full of joyful praise, holy dancing, worship, a time of sharing the word, and a time of pressing prayer at the end. It was wonderful and we give Jesus all the victory.

Unfortunately, the enemy hit me in my stomach at about 4:00am because of something I ate during the break. I haven’t had an attack like that in years but we didn’t give him any ground and just kept thanking the Lord through it all.   Saturday we rested and prayed in the evening. Sunday morning on the way to church, we prayed in tongues for the hour long trip like we usually do. When we got close to Colville (the city where the church is) Lydia’s spiritual eyes were opened and she saw the principality over Colville. Its giant head was like a serpent/dragon and it was resting right in the middle of the city on Main Street. It had a body like a serpent. We knew that the Friday night prayer had exposed this stronghold. That night at evening prayer we shared the vision with the prayer warriors. After repentance and praying in tongues, we felt led to do warfare prayer against the principality Lydia had seen. We began praying with all our might. Soon Lydia saw a wooden beam fall and land on a demon, and the Lord said the fortress of the enemy was coming down. So, the rest of the night we praised, worshipped, and holy danced giving Jesus the victory and rejoicing in His goodness. Praise the Lord! 

We thank the Lord for allowing us to talk with you before the prayer vigil and give Him all the glory for the victories won in the heavenlies. We love you all and continue to remember you in our prayers with much affection. Be blessed in His love, ~Brother from Shiloh Fellowship, Colville, WA


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