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The Year of Great Faith Part 1

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

~A faith that is 10 times greater than Jesus Disciples’~

Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour." Matthew 15:28

Wherever Jesus found people with faith, miracles always happened

"Your faith has made you well." Luke 18:42 "Your faith has saved you" Luke 7:50 "It shall be done according to your faith" Matthew 9:29 ...

Wherever Jesus found people with Great Faith, miracles were always instant!

Recently, the Lord spoke to me and said, "This year, for you and for those who are like minded will be a year of Great Faith!" At the moment, we are surrounded by mountains that seems to be insurmountable. This is not something to fear, but we must rejoice in this because this means we are about to do greater things than Jesus did (John 14:12). Greater trials will yield Great Faith if we endure to the end. In USA, we just watched the thief and the robber being escorted into the nation; overnight, putting his hand out to steal so much that the Lord has done and restored for the past four years!

The day of Elijah is upon us! The Bible tells us that when Elijah comes, He restores all things! The insurmountable mountains will be moved by your Great Faith. In 2021, everyone must possess one of the powerful weapons that God has given to us and that is Great Faith! With our Great Faith, we are going to move those mountains and cast them into the sea where they will never rise up again! And Jesus answered and said to them, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen." (Matthew 21:21)

There are a few people whom Jesus commended for their faith! In each instance, their faith made them well, their faith delivered them and saved them. Great Faith: The Bible only records two instances when Jesus commended people for their Great Faith!

  1. In one instance, a Roman centurion asks Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant, who was “suffering terribly” (Matthew 8:6). Jesus offered to come and heal him, but the centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it” (Matthew 15 8-9). Jesus was amazed at the centurion’s response. This is where He mentioned his “Great Faith.” “And Jesus said to the centurion, “Go; it shall be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed at that very moment” (Matthew 8:13).

  2. The other story where Jesus talks of someone’s “Great Faith” involves a Canaanite woman, whose daughter was cruelly demon possessed. Jesus did not show willingness to save her daughter at first and finally He responded to her, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” The woman responded and said, "Yes, Lord, even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Jesus was astonished at her response and this is where He mentioned her "Great Faith." “Then Jesus said to her, “O woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed at once” (Matthew 15:28).

These are the only two people in the Gospel who are told by the Lord that they had Great Faith. Both were non-Jewish people and Jesus commended them for their faith, only after hearing their bold response, a response full of faith.

Matthew 15:21-28

  • At first, the Canaanite woman came to Jesus praying and crying out to Him. Jesus did not answer her a word. Tears will not always move God BUT FAITH WILL!

  • Then she began to shout, and kept shouting. The Lord did not give her the answer, but reminded her He came for the Jews who were lost. Shouting did not give her the miracle, but FAITH DID!

  • Then she began to bow before the Lord saying, "Lord, help me!" This did not move the heart of the Lord either, for we see Him saying, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” Where prayer and bowing did not work, GREAT FAITH WORKED!

  • When she boldly confessed and demonstrated her Great Faith, she moved the heart of God with her powerful confession (Words of Faith from her heart) and the request was granted.

FAITH HAS POWER - FAITH IS POWER THAT MOVES NOT ONLY MOUNTAINS BUT FAITH MOVES THE HEART OF GOD! Wherever the Lord found faith, miracles happened. Wherever the Lord found Great Faith, miracles were instant. The Lord did not even have to travel to heal those who were sick! It is my prayer for all of us to practice walking by faith and becoming the owner of Great Faith! The Lord said that it is easy to have Great Faith. He said, "ONLY BELIEVE!" To be continued...

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