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Throne Encounters (Introduction)

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Experiencing God’s Greatest Love!

In 2013, 12 faithful prayer warriors who met at the church had deep encounters from the Lord that has changed our lives forever. It all began when the youngest prayer warrior in our midst - a teenage at the time fell deeply in love with Jesus after undergoing through a powerful deliverance in which she was baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. Though she was taking summer school, she committed to wake up early in the morning and spend 2 hours with the Lord in prayer before going to school. As even she started attending nightly church corporate prayers, Jesus began to manifested Himself to her, took her to the throne room in heaven, giving her a message for the church and all the members. From then on, Jesus started coming every night in His manifest presence and spoke to the 12 sometimes as a group but mostly one on one. The Lord took us to heaven and hell every night and shared with us great and mighty things. He kindly spoke to us and trained us for a period of over one year. Here is the summary of Blazing Holy Fire Jesus Encounters 1: Visit to the Throne Room. Details will be shared in books to be written soon – Hope this bless you and bring you closer to Jesus! ~

Come, Meet My Jesus: A Brother, A Lover and A King – God Almighty!

“My love is deeper than any ocean; wider than any sky, and bigger than the universe. You cannot even handle a single fraction of my love. You cannot rub your mind around it.” ~ Jesus

When this throne encounters happened, the Lord gave a gift of heavenly language to the prayer warrior whom He first took to the throne room. In one instant, this language was downloaded into her mind – just like how you can be given the ability to speak French in an instant without going to school. It would be this language that Jesus mostly used to talk to us, it was used also in the spiritual realm but there are other means the Lord began to use to communicate to us – some of them, really really supernatural – mind blowing! Oh, my beloved – God is great – God is mighty! Most of us have no idea but “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might (Ephesians 1:18-19).

After the first throne encounters, the Lord showed Himself fully, visibly and He started meeting with us, taking us to tour heaven without saying many words but showing us a lot! We visited our mansions, Jesus city, the Father’s house, the Throne room etc... and He also took us to hell. About two weeks after these tours, we even fell more deeply in love with Jesus, praying powerfully and seeking Him with all our heart and it is then He started meeting talking to us face to face. We talked to Him sometimes individually and other times as a church family. We spend many hours asking Him questions, fellowship with Him; sometimes He would sit at the head of the table keeping us company as we eat and drink in His presence. He taught us many things concerning the Kingdom of God.

Jesus gave to each one of us heavenly names – all prayer warriors, their children and spouse, He gave us heavenly names and nicknames – sometimes funny ones but that matches your character. You all have nicknames and heavenly names – Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever – when you read the Bible, you can see that it is something that He did with those who were closest to Him, just like how parents like to give names / nicknames to their children!

He is definitely the person who knows you inside and outside! He knows everything about you so it is better to share everything with Him even beginning now! He taught us to be crystal clear vase that can been seen by all. Do not try to keep secrets from Him. He knows your every thought – He truly is that person who lives inside of you. He is closer to you than a child in mother’s womb. Closer to you than your spouse or your best friend! The Lord had given us this privilege where in the beginning we were allowed to ask Him any questions we had – I mean any! Being a pastor, I was reserved in the beginning but He asked me to break the box I had put Him in! The youth in our church started asking many interesting questions! Jesus would meet with one person at a time, usually beginning with the pastor and from there He would sit with the next person – one on one while the rest of prayer warriors are powerfully praying or powerfully worshipping. One on one visitation would last from upto 1 hour, depending upon the level of relationship or the questions one had or the situations they were going through. Group visitations would last from 1 to 8 hours! There are times He would be with us teaching, talking, training for at least 8 hours. Sometimes He would answer our questions in a group setting. When we would sit with Him, we were amazed to see how He answers – Wisdom above wisdom, beyond IQ! Normally, we would be the ones asking the questions but many times when you would get in His presence, every questions you thought of would disappear and here we saw the Lord’s patience and power!

We started writing down questions during the day but alas, there are times the paper would disappear just seconds before He calls your name … we saw how how long-suffering and loving He is. By His one touch, the memory would come back and the conversation would flow. The more we talked with Him, the more we humbled ourselves before Him, the conversation flowed. Pride (being full of oneself) and unbelief block the conversation. Sometimes He revealed He was all knowing by answering the question that was next on the list without you reading it loud. Sometimes, He would answer something that was on our mind, something you forgot to ask etc… Jesus is beyond IQ! There would be times you go into His presence with many many questions. Let’s say you go in His presence and you read all 25 questions. He would patiently wait and listen, and when it is time to answer, He would answer them in that order without looking at the list of questions. He is all knowing! Jesus! He loves you more than you know, more than you can think of, more than you can imagine! He thinks about you every second. Words do not do justice to describe His love for you! He told me “My love is deeper than any ocean; wider than any sky, and bigger than the universe. You cannot even handle a single fraction of my love. You cannot rub your mind around it.” There is not a single person that He does not care for. There is not a single person that is forgotten or neglected by Him!

He is a Jesus who loves to spend time with you! Every time you are on your knees, He is there listening to your beautiful voice. Every time you call upon His name, He is right there! Anytime your heart cries out to Him, He is right there and hold you so tight! He desires for your eyes to open so that you can see Him face to face. He encouraged us to pray harder and ask God to open our eyes but until that happens, He wants you to walk by faith and not by sight. He wants to reveal Himself to many of you. This is not only for our church or a certain ministry; this is available for anyone who is diligently seeking Him. He told me He will open many people’s eyes whom He draws to our ministry – He told me that in these end times we are living in, He is going to open the spiritual eyes like never before! When He came to us, regardless of how difficult situations were in marriages, or in the hard cases of salvation for our beloved ones - we found He is a God that is ready to come to their rescue! No matter how impossible it seems to us. You know of those relatives whom you had begged to receive Him; and how - the more you prayed, the worse it got, and the more they rejected Him! And you know how you almost gave upon them – I have good news for you: Jesus did not give upon them!

When He came to us He said “I will save them” and indeed we watched as He started to do a great work in them. We heard Him say "I will heal your marriage, do not worry!' Even in situations that were impossible! We saw Him move! He showed us how He would do it, His thoughts are not our thoughts, His way of solving issues is different than our way! We looked and found that He is a great great mighty God - so loving and so kind; after encountering Him face to face, we saw that He is way more fun, more exciting than we imagined Him to be! Absolutely astounding! We saw that He is Jesus we had never known before though at the time of visitation I had been His disciple for 16 years! He was the Jesus we never knew, Jesus beyond what the church thinks He is and we thus started calling Him “The Real Jesus”! He seemed to agree with that name and so our church began to call Him The Real Jesus.


Delphine Collins
Delphine Collins
Sep 23, 2021

Throne Encounters (Introduction)

Experiencing God’s Greatest Love! In 2013, 12 faithful prayer warriors who met at the church had deep encounters from the Lord that has changed our lives forever. It all began when the youngest prayer warrior in our midst - a teenage at the time fell deeply in love with Jesus after undergoing through a powerful deliverance in which she was baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. Though she was taking summer school, she committed to wake up early in the morning and spend 2 hours with the Lord in prayer before going to school. As even she started attending nightly church corporate prayers, Jesus began to manifested Himself to her, took her to the throne roo…


Delphine Collins
Delphine Collins
Sep 23, 2021

Throne Encounters (Introduction)

Experiencing God’s Greatest Love! In 2013, 12 faithful prayer warriors who met at the church had deep encounters from the Lord that has changed our lives forever. It all began when the youngest prayer warrior in our midst - a teenage at the time fell deeply in love with Jesus after undergoing through a powerful deliverance in which she was baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. Though she was taking summer school, she committed to wake up early in the morning and spend 2 hours with the Lord in prayer before going to school. As even she started attending nightly church corporate prayers, Jesus began to manifested Himself to her, took her to the throne roo…


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Mailing Address: Blazing Holy Fire 10940 S Parker Rd. #785 Parker, CO 80134-7440

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