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Through Trials God Measures Your faith

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

A testimony of Mama Dieme, God's bond servant who in 2016 died for 16 hours and visited heaven and hell before returning to earth.

I would like to tell all of you who hear this message to endure the testing and trials that you are going through. Trials do not happen to you because God hates you. God has not lacked a ticket to come down to rescue you from them. I have come to tell you to endure and persevere when you are tested, because God weighs trials before they are ever permitted to touch you. When God weighs them, he permits it to happen to you after He has determined that you are able to endure those trials He sends your way.

"Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life." Revelation 2:10

A Trial Named Hunger

To those who hear me, I would like to tell you that I went through diverse trials. These trials did not happen because God does not love me. Oh you people of God, I found myself going to bed on an empty stomach; we found ourselves without cloths to wear. At one time, my husband had lots of cloths as I also did, but when time came, God permitted a trial named Hunger to visit our home. When this visitor came to our home, time came for us to sell our cloths. My husband sold all his cloths and shoes so that he could put food on the table for us. Time came when he only had one pair of pants. This did not happen because God did not know him, but God let it happen because He saw that this trial would give Him the glory. Time came when he only had one pair of boot for shoes, and one pair of pants which he wore all the time as he went around looking for a job. When time would come for our choir rehearsal at 3pm, he would come late, straight to the choir from looking for jobs. The singers would complain about his smell. All this happened to us because of the man named Testing and Trials.

If you get this message and are going through trials, I would ask you to hold on, endure because when those trials become many, the time would arrive when God would come to rescue you. My husband was left with one pair of pants. When his friends would come to visit him while his pants were being washed, I would not let them know he was home for fear that there is nothing for him to wear while visiting with them. I myself was left with one piece of African wrap and at the same time I had a nursing child who peed a lot. Hunger kept hanging at our home till there was nothing left to eat in our home.

Feeding on the Manna: God said those who stood in His presence praying would have their daily bread.

God would tell me that He sent me out to preach but since I refused, time had come I was going only to feed on the manna. This did not happen because God did not care for us nor lacked means to rescue us nor had no provisions for us. Even in our trials, He fed us His manna. Time came for my husband Papa Dieme to look for a job and when he would not find it, he would come back home. We would wait for food because God had said that those who stood in His presence that day praying would eat, and when I would hear that, I would count myself among the blessed who would eat. Time came, as I also had been in the presence of God in prayer that I waited for the manna to come but there was nothing to be found. Time came when my husband got really hungry and he took my African wrap and wrapped his loins and he laid down on his stomach. He asked me that day, “Mama Dieme, since you came from prayer, what did God say?” By faith I responded that since we stood in His presence all day long praying, for that reason we would eat. He asked me to pray and let God work. At this time, my husband was so hungry that he did not have enough strength to wake up from his bed. He had tightly wrapped his stomach because of the testing inflicted on us by a man named Hunger.

Time came for my first born to say, “mummy, I see other people going to the market to shop, would we not eat today?” I responded, “wait for a while, we will go shopping.” I said thus by faith, not because I had money, but I wanted him to not say much so that all the strangers would find out the way we were living! So my son took our shopping bag and he run leading the way so that we could go shopping.

I called him and said, “come inside the house, let me tell you something.” We went inside the house and I told him, “first let us pray then we will go.” We closed the door, we knelt before our bed and we asked God for food to eat. I cried many tears, praying that my husband does not die on me. Time came, at the end of this prayer my son stood up and run, leading the way to the market place, I followed him at the same time praying, “My God, remember how I spent the day in your presence, and look now, would you let my husband die? I ask you with all my heart, God of mercy, please do something about our situation so that we also can get our daily bread.”

Going Grocery Shopping By Faith

Time came and when we reached the market, sellers took our shopping bag to fill it but I called from afar saying,”"I will be there, wait for me, then you can fill the bag once I reach there.” I kept going down without knowing where I was going or what to do. I kept going so that my son would not be disappointed that I refused to shop or that people do not guess we had nothing! Going a little bit forward, I met a person whom I had prayed for. After I had prayed for that person, God answered her quickly and that day God chose to use this person. When this person saw me she said, “Mama Dieme, I haven’t seen you for a while, where are you these days?” I told them that I was around. They told me, “when you prayed for me, I received, God answered me; so please come to my house, let me share a fanta drink with you.“ I though about it, how could I drink that fanta while my husband is at home dying of hunger in the bed? I thanked the person and declined the invitation and said, “I am in prayer, I would not put anything to my mouth.” This however was not because I was fasting but it was because I would not dare drink without sharing with my husband.

I kept moving forward a bit... But listen my friend, that God whom we chose to follow, that God of power… that God would not give peace to this person until they they called me saying, “Mama Dieme, stop right there, I have something to tell you. “ I stopped at once, and the person said, “here is some sugar for you to make tea. I know that you born again Christians like your home made tea.” She gave me something and I said, “May God bless you.” As I left, I was curious as to what this gift was, and when I looked, it was a bill of 5,000 RWF (50USD). My beloved friend, to me, I took this money as if it was like a million dollar. I turned my back toward her, I knelt right there in the midst of the road and I began to give glory to God who saw to it that we could eat.

Trials Are Used to Measure the Weight of Your Faith

Those who hear me, I want you to know that there are times God will let you remain in that trial, or deliver you from it in due time so that you can give glory to God. Be careful, walk gently in your trials without insulting God, because God has not lacked a ticket to come down to rescue you; but God let you remain in your trial for a season so that He can measure the weight of your faith.

Time came and I stood up and took another way to do grocery. My son asked me, “mummy, since papa is sick, would you please by him a little flour for porridge, and we can get anchovies and a little bit of rice?” The child thought that his father was sick since he had wrapped his loins and was in bed but as you know it was all because of hunger.

The testing called Hunger did not stay quiet. That time I bought what my son had suggested and when I reached home, I closed the door behind me and I told my husband, “I have met God, wake up, let’s praise the Lord.” My husband gained strength to wake up, he went on his knees and knelt down and gave glory to God because we could eat that day. He walked around the whole house on His knees thanking God.

Do Not Complain

There are some of you however, who still have enough food; there are some of you who still have money, but you are not giving God the glory while He is the one who gave you all of that. Some even are complaining and I would like to say woe are you who do such things. You will be beaten severely with many beatings, beatings without number because of your pride; you have boasted about your many food, you have boasted about your riches; you have boasted about your money; you have boasted about your job and you have forgotten to remember that it is God of heaven who has given you all these things. It is time that you repent.

(To be continued).

This is a testimony of Mama Dieme from her encounters beyond the earthly realm. Mama Dieme's is God's bond servant who in 2016 died for 16 hours and visited heaven and hell before returning to earth. Mama Dieme passed away in August 2022 and crossed to her heavenly. Her testimony of meeting the Lord, heaven and hell has changed the lives of countless people.


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