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What Does God Think About Dressing & Women Wearing Pants, Lipsticks, Jewelry etc…

Writer: The Blazing Holy FireThe Blazing Holy Fire

Updated: May 21, 2022

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

When I met the Lord face to face, I was graced to ask Him about this subject, and here I share what I have learned! ~ Rev Coleman

The Lord Said to me, "Beware of false testimonies, false visions and false encounters. Stick to My Word." September 2013.

Nowadays, there are testimonies coming forth from those who claim to have visited heaven, hell or had visions or dreams of some sorts. They emphasize a holiness that is seen as an outward appearance - a perception that is contrary to the Lord's perception. They focus on a salvation that is obtained by works of men - instead of pointing you to the Lord Jesus Christ who paid a ransom for our salvation and deliverance with His own life. These people claim that Jesus appeared to them and told them wearing pants, jewelry, lipsticks, woven articles, make ups, braiding hair, painting nails etc… take people to hell.

I will give a testimony of how I was once caught up in this teaching for just a few days and the Lord in His grace, using His Word from the Holy Scriptures delivered me from such a deception but before I give my testimony the Lord gave a warning!

WARNING #1! Deception can worm its way into the truth!    SOLUTION: The Lord said, "Tell my children to exercise their discernment!"

Look closely! What they are claiming have one thing in common: Outward Appearance! God’s words say, “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” Does the perishable inherit the imperishable? Does the material save a soul or make anyone holier? We do not gain the approval of the Lord by the physical nor does He judge anyone of us by outward appearance but by the intention of the heart. The Lord does not judge anyone by their social status, by their race, gender, past sin and the like.

WARNING #2! Beware of false divisive doctrines Where there is division, satan rules. For satan to work, he must find a way to divide people. I know a church where women must wear only long skirts or long dresses. I have noticed that when women walked in wearing a dress or a skirt which is not long as theirs, they started judging. There is but one Savior, Jesus Christ the Son of God! Let us focus on Him.

WARNING #3! Beware of false visions and false encounters

These are the days when satan is working overtime to deceive the followers of Christ even the 'elect and chosen ones' "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:24). Satan knows that the elects and chosen ones are spiritual people, hence, the only way to deceive them would be through the language they love the most: Stories of visits to heaven, hell, dreams and visions.

The Lord told me we are in the days when satan will even show visions. Remember that in Matthew 4:8 he gave a vision to Jesus, "Again, the devil took Him along to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory." satan gave a vision to Jesus, he still gives visions to people including Christians. Everyone, exercise discernment.

Encountering the Real Jesus & His Teaching on How to Discern Real Encounters from Fake Encounters & Fake Visions.

The Lord taught me that not every dream is from the Lord; not every encounter is from the Real Jesus; not every vision is from the Lord. This is why you should not swallow everything that is served you because "even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14. Most of false religions, occult and false doctrines were birthed out of visions: Islam, Mormons, Maitreya etc... People took those visions like commandments from the Lord and out of them, they formed their religion and oftentimes their denomination. For this reason, we must remember that not everyone who says, "Lord, Lord..." is of God. There are those who say Lord, Lord but He says, "depart from me, I never knew you."

In 2012, I read a testimony about some women and some men who wrote how they saw people being thrown in hell because of make ups, braiding hair and since I had respect for those who have encountered the Lord, I listened to the message without even consulting with the scriptures, I decided I am going to try to go natural. I thank the Lord because a short while later He gave me my own encounters and so now I can know and teach others how to know those fake encounters.

When I believed those false teachings, it was only for about 2 weeks and the whole time I felt bound. So I began to only put lotion on my body, I stopped braiding my hair and I did it out of fear and it was not coming from my heart. I was a very sad pastor during those 2 weeks.

I am a woman of prayer. I pray and pray and pray. Just to give you an example, since September 2009 till 2012, our church met and prayed every night from 7pm to midnight. We met and never missed a day. On top of that, I had my own personal time. Today, prayer has only increased.

The Lord's Personal Visits and Teaches Real Encounters Real Encounters

In the midst of praying, the Lord brought me closer to Himself. I began to know God. I began to hear God's voice on a daily basis. The church followed in my footsteps and in the midst of those deep prayers, while going through heavy warfare, the Lord Jesus Christ in His great grace and mercy visited us in a face to face encounters during the night prayers. There began a series of nightly visitations which lasted for a whole year. The Lord visited us every night and taught us great and mighty things. One of the first thing the Lord taught me was "DISCERNMENT."

"He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said." 1 Corinthians 12:10. In this day and hour, you need deep discernment because one of the biggest demonic spirit in the last days is deception. The Lord took a few weeks and taught me discernment. After teaching, he would quiz me to see how I was discerning. What I share below is therefore a tiny bit of so much I have learned from the Lord. Please use scriptures as well to see whether what I share is from the Lord or not.

When someone open their mouth and say, "I saw the Lord, I went to heaven, I... " Oftentimes, Christians rushes and listen and submit to everything without checking scriptures. They say, "Oh, it is from heaven, we better hurry and observe it." But you need to know that the devil also can take people to a fake heaven, to a fake hell - The Lord has taught me these things, not only that but He has also shown me those things. When someone says they saw Jesus and He told them such and such strange new things that even your own spirit start getting uneasy as you read them, please know that God wants you to EXERCISE YOUR DISCERNMENT [without unbelief however].

As I write this, I remember that just yesterday I was listening to a sister who was teaching and testifying how people can't go to heaven when they braid hear, wear hair extension, coloring hair, wearing make up etc... I listened because it was recommended by a friend. The person went on to share for about 45 minutes but in all her sharing, not a single Scripture was quoted but just visions, experiences I listened until the voice of the Lord told me to shut it down because it was a fake encounter.

Warning #4: Beware of the visions devoid of Scriptures References!

Women Wearing Pants, Lipsticks, Jewelry, Hair Extension & Coloring etc…A  Hot Topic that is Dividing the Body of Christ

Outward appearance is a hot topic that is dividing the Body of Christ especially in Africa. This might not be a big issue in the West but in Africa, this is a very sensitive issue within the Church. In doing this, part of the devil’s plan is:

1. To divide the Body of Christ: That those women who cover the head may not worship with those who are uncovered; that those women wearing pants, braiding hair, wearing jewelry, make up and much more may not be welcome where they don’t do so and vice versa…

2. To Promote a False Holiness / Self Righteousness So As to Deceive: Redemption is not the work of man but the Lord’s. False holiness emphasizes the Outward / Physical Appearance, despising the Cross and the Redemption by the Blood of Jesus. What we put on, be it hair, make ups, cloths… is not what makes someone holy or beautiful to Jesus. Over and over again, Jesus told me in our face to face encounters that beauty to Him is not physical. He also told me that a beautiful bride to Him is not the one who is so physically. He told us that what makes a beautiful bride to Him is LOVE, SACRIFICIAL LOVE. A beautiful bride to Him is a person who loves and has greater love – “Greater love has none than this, That one lays down His life for His friends.” John 15:13. A beautiful bride is one who is willing to give up anything for Him and follow Him wherever He takes them. He told us wearing pants don’t make anyone go to hell, what takes people to hell is sin in their hearts. If someone thinks they are holy because of what they wear or how they look, then what role does the blood of Jesus play? When someone is saved, is it Jesus who saves that person or is it the way they are dressed that save them? We all know the answer – JESUS – Only JESUS is our Savior. If clothing has no power to save someone, why will someone believe that clothing alone has power to condemn people to hell?

God Created Adam and Eve Naked

Jesus told us that He created man naked. He also created the woman naked. Dresses, Pants, shorts and all sorts of clothing is what humans created. God loves it when mankind uses their talents to create also, it is one of the command, "go, subdue the earth."

Clothing is physical, man-made and as such, will it please Him? Will what is man-made, invented by man be used to determine who is holy and who is not, or who enter heaven or not? No! The material cannot buy the spiritual, it cannot be used as a scale to determine who is pleasing to God or not. God looks at the heart. So what is the motive of the heart that's what matters to Him. If someone is dressing to cause people to fall then that's sin. If someone dresses certain ways because of pride and vanity, then that is sin. If a woman habitually goes into men section and buys her cloths there, then they definitely need to be set free.

3. To Take Captive Those Who Believe these Lies. To bind people with a religious spirit: Satan is the one behind the promotion of this false holiness. His plan is not just to divide, not just to sow small false doctrines here and there but to release demons into those who believe this deception. The moment people believe this deception and do not repent, they have opened a door by which Religious spirits will enter! (believe me, I have cast thousands of these out of people who come seeking deliverance through our ministry). This is what the Pharisees had! Luke 18:9-14 “And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt”  One door open leads to another and to another and to another. One by one, spirits of judging others, pride, religious spirits etc… will enter those who open the door and very soon, they start judging. When they see brothers and sisters, they do not see them as the redeemed who are loved and accepted by the Father, but they look at once at their lack of dressings this way, that way... When we see people, we are supposed to see the Christ in them but once that spirit enters, people are blinded and they stop seeing that beautiful Jesus in their brethren, instead they start judging them. The Pharisees emphasized on cleaning the outside while the inside was full of wickedness (Luke 11:38- 40; Matthew 23:25-28).

Jesus Answers a Prayer Warrior, "You Are not Going to Be Condemned to Hell Because of Wearing Pants or Braiding Your Hair."

During the time the Lord visited us, we were 12 prayer warriors. Often times,the Lord would answer our questions during our break time. On November 3, 2013 @ Blazing Holy Fire Church, Jesus who had spoken on this issue many times before once more answered the question of wearing pants, jewelry, make up, hair extension … This question was asked by one of the prayer warriors.

Jesus said, What state did I create Adam and Eve in? Without cloth Naked! When did they make themselves cloths? After they sinned. Who made them cover themselves first? They covered themselves first not I. What did I give them? Did I give them cloths? No, I gave them fur, I gave them things to cover (Genesis 3) But I did not design it as in pants with belt, pockets, skirts, dresses… The jewelry, lipsticks, hair extension, make –up… Mankind does all these things, Not I! My beloved children, my bride whom I love with an everlasting love You are not going to be condemned to hell because of wearing pants I repeat: You are not going to be condemned to hell because of wearing pants I LOOK AT THE CONDITION OF THE HEART Someone who is tattooed before they are saved Does is it mean that because they have tattoos they are not going to be forgiven? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) All have sinned And the wage of sin is death That death I paid for you and in full And those who accept Me and walk with Me will be with me in heaven. (Here we rejoiced and clapped our hands with many Hallelujahs) That is the answer - I paid for sin And I look at the condition of heart He made us all laugh when He added: Besides I am a God who created colors I am the one who crafted each and every person, I am the one who painted the skin, When girls wear makeup, they are just adding painting to it” I tell you, God loves color. Heaven is colorful. They have colors we have no equivalent nor name on earth.

Those are the words Jesus spoke to us. If you believe that woman should add nothing to their body when all they are doing is just being creative like their Father, then you should never use lotion, wear glasses, nor use any hair lotion or any treatment on your body ... things that can neither give you salvation nor holiness.

Jesus O.Ks Pastor's Hair Braided

As I said , before the Lord visitations, I had begun to believe all these false doctrines. In my heart, I felt it was not from the Lord but I was afraid to disobey God and I went along with the teaching from those who testified that you cannot enter heaven unless you are dressed in a such and such away. I stopped hair braiding. I cut my hair short because my hair is too thick to comb if I cannot use any hair product. For two weeks, I stayed away from lipsticks etc... and it did not sit right within me, I was very sad.

During the month of September 2013, the Lord had begun to visit us already. we were having a group fellowship with the Lord in a face to face encounters. This time He allowed us to ask questions. One of the 12 came to me and asked the Lord if pastor could have her hair braided. I thought the Lord would say ‘no’ so I tried to stop her from asking but it was too late, she quickly asked and the Lord said ‘yes’. Soon, the Lord Himself became highly involved in bringing the person to braid my hair. The braids were not finished on the first day and twice the Lord kept reminding me that I must go back and have them finished. He was like a husband making sure that His wife’s hair is taken care of.

After my hair was all braided, the Lord came to me so happy; it was the first thing He talked about. “See that look on your face! You are so happy my child!” It brings Him joy to see us smiling and joyful. He explained, “The reason why I let you have the braids, it was not for ME but for you my bride!” He added that it has made me more confident. I am in a position right now where there Lord sends me to meet Christian and secular leaders. Wherever He sends me, whether it be to kings, presidents or  commoners, He wants me to go with confidence. Naturally, I and the women from the church like long hairs but we sisters from Africa  have generally short hair. It is hard for us to grow long hair. That seems like a weird request but some of us have asked the Lord to grant us long hai(9 years later, that prayer has been answered!). The Lord has spent sometimes with us ladies talking about our hairs, how in heaven it is long and beautiful, how it will have ribbons and jewels. He reminds us many times to remember our rewards in heaven.

Hair! This might be nothing for guys, but for ladies – it is a big deal! That day, the Lord said that my hair in heaven was also braided. My daughter who is in heaven had also her hair braided and the Lord allowed her to come down to visit us - it was an incredible hair night. I had put the Lord in a box and that night I was set free. The Lord said, "tell my people to not put boundaries on me. Tell my people, especially to not put me in a box."

Visits to Hell

This might shake the weak but that's ok, the Lord wants me to talk about it.

When the Lord visited us, He began to take us to hell almost every night. This is not a place for the weak. You go to hell once and just by looking at the outskirt of hell, you can go days shaking without eating, crying, completely humbled the rest of your life. Not only did the Lord show us hell, but He allowed some of us to taste the torment of hell (this requires its own teaching). What I can tell you is this, It is not possible to go to hell and be tormented wearing skirts or dresses! Doing so will be like going to the military boot camp in your formal dress.

How can you be tormented, left to demons, left to satan and endless pain wearing pants? All that these wicked demons do to those whom the Lord takes to hell is to torment them without mercy. They are being kicked, chopped, hit worse than a soccer ball – they are falling, they are tumbling, they are being thrown moved from one side to another; they are being whipped without mercy, they are being put on a cross upside down, they have to do movements that require them to wear pants. Will you wear skirts/ dresses during your work out time? How do the military dress on a battle field? Do they dress in skirts or in pants? In hell, it is no joke; it is more than Mariupol Ukraine battle field! After the Lord visited us and started taking us to hell, in general we stopped wearing dresses/skirts on such nights. On occasions when an individual would be wearing skirts / dresses thinking that maybe the Lord will not take them to hell, if the Lord decided to do so, He would come first to the individual and tell them to go change in clothing fit for hell. 


When we read the Holy Scriptures, we must let the Holy Spirit be the teacher not the doctrines, not the opinions of men nor the visions. When we study God’s words, we must remember that the Words of Jesus are the foundation of the church.  When you read the scriptures, remember to bring a balance of the whole counsel of God and not just stand on one verse while ignoring the other. For example, when dealing with this issue, Yes, read 1 Timothy 2:9 but also remember to read 1 Peter 3:3-4. After this, remember also to see what Jesus taught on that particular subject. All the epistles of the apostles must be built on Jesus, the Corner stone.

See how Jesus addressed this particular issue:

Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes (Luke 20:46) He warned us of things we do for ‘appearance’s sake’” Mark 12:40 He warned us of outward righteousness / appearance (Matthew 23:28) He told us to clean the inside first. When the inside is clean, the outside will also be clean (Matthew 23:26)

To All God’s Children: Dress Modestly

All God’s children should dress modestly, that’s what the Bible tells us. Dress for Jesus and for the glory of His name. The Holy Spirit will guide God’s children in knowing how to dress modestly.

Repent: The Lord wants those who hold unto divisive doctrines such as these to REPENT so that He can set them free and that His body can be united once more and once for all. So that we meet without looking who is dressed properly, who has long dresses and such and such things...

WHEN YOU TRULY REPENT: The religious spirits, deception, false judging, pride, division, Pharisees’ etc… will leave you in JESUS name(1 John 1:9).


1 Comment

Look at Linda Rika YouTube HH testimony. 6 hours in hell 2 hours in Heaven.Never changed pants on women.Matthew 22:11-13. Zephaniah 1:8 they were judged by their apparel clothes garments. Unless they read the Bible KJV only word for word only just his word only not his preacher. Ask? Lord is it you in the dream? Lord am I eligible for Heaven? Lord who is Lord? Many never ask him. Most lying.Rickey Young


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